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06 gto


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I hear that sheep out number people 40 to 1 in New Zealand. After that big earthquake they just had, I'm sure they're scared, loanly and could use a little comforting.


Mike B.
Damn ! she's got a nice butt !
Hey Lou.
Driving up and back on the 5 this past weekend....saw a lot of sheep you might want to go take a gander at...
where !!! did you get any pictures! pix...I had to keep driving.

I guess I coulda had my kid take some pix....but I didn't want to have to have that conversation.
"But Dad....why does Lou like sheep?"

You can find them in the fields all along the 5 from the 99 up to the 152.
Some of them get pretty close to the you might be able to reach over and snatch one...or two...:rolleyes:


Hey....did you ask your friend in the blue Z06 if he's the guy I killed in my Camaro a few years back?
Reply pix...I had to keep driving.

I guess I coulda had my kid take some pix....but I didn't want to have to have that conversation.
"But Dad....why does Lou like sheep?"

You can find them in the fields all along the 5 from the 99 up to the 152.
Some of them get pretty close to the you might be able to reach over and snatch one...or two...:rolleyes:


Hey....did you ask your friend in the blue Z06 if he's the guy I killed in my Camaro a few years back?[/QUOTE/

Chicken, Tell your kids I prefer the company of sheep over the average Buick owner cause they have higher standards & more class.