07 Shelby Mustang Cobra


May 28, 2005
I was sitting in the left lane, when a 07 shelby pulls next to me(double turn lane). I was contemplating running him, but figured he may get me from the start, since I have street tire on. I figured just in case I hit the button for the Alky kit...to make sure it was primed, and the engine bogged down a bit then rev'd up. He looked over and rev'd his up. So, then I knew he was gonna run me. Light turns green and he tried to take a sharper turn,(he was left of me) by the time we are in the straight away his rear bumper is at my drivers door. I roll on to it and with my tires spinning start to catch up. They hook and the car pulls forward passing him with about 2 or 3mph on him. When my car is shifting into 3rd I hear his exhaust die down with me about a car and a half ahead, telling me he shut it down. I really thought it was gonna be a harder fight than that, Anyway he comes next to me at the light and wont even look over...pretends Im not there...I got a kick out of that!!
Nice kill! He was probably wondering what just happened at the next light!:confused:
if he did not know about the dark side!!!!!NOW HE KNOWS:biggrin: :biggrin: NICE ,NICE,VERY NICE
Nice kill...he's probablly still wondering what that damn black car had under the hood.
Nice kill...he's probablly still wondering what that damn black car had under the hood.

He prolly knew what it was, he just pussed out! If you get your butt handed to you........take it like a man!:cool:
Oh, that's great...really satisfying! He should have manned up to the loss, though. Thanks for posting that!
My buddy had a chance to trounce one of those Shelby's with his TType. I'm pretty sure there are quite a few Shelby Cobra owners out there with a big look of disappointment on their face. On paper those cars are very impressive but from what I've heard about them, in stock form, they don't hold up to our 20 yr old v6's.

Nice Kill!
Good kill.

I ran a Mustang Shelby, GT 500 at the track last year during test and tune. .
He lined up beside me in the staging lanes. It was a close race but I won even though my car was down about .3 et. I got a hole shot (pro tree/.400) and kept the distance even though he ran 3+ mph faster than me.

I had .357 r/t to his .502. My 60' was 1.747 to his 1.732. 330' was 4.851 to his 4.889. 1/8 mile was 7.457 to 7.432 and mph was 94.98 to 98.60. I won by .1201.

I saw him run again and he only ran a 7.5x at 98.x.

I had just installed the Gen II, wideband, and Power Logger and had not gotten the car dialed in yet. It runs a lot better now. :)
Guys kill me when they ignore you after a loss. But, with as much cash as he is dropping on the stang, he may be mad at Ford, not you.
Good kill.
I 'm still waiting on a rematch with a blown stang. He got me several months back when my old engine and stock turbo, stock everything was on its last leg.
Nice kill! The Blown Stangs are no joke... I ran the 1/8 against a GT500 that had a upgraded Kenne Bell Supercharger, he went through the 1/8 at 101mph!

But I still beat him but just barely. I tree'd the hell out of him and had a two car lead very quick (Gota love 520lbs of TQ) but he was coming on strong. In the 1/4 he would probably run a 10.

He ran a 7.21 @ 101 mph to my 7.50 @ 90mph.
Wow...I'm impressed...when I told people I outran a cobra they screamed BS lol.

Good kill :)

Wow...I'm impressed...when I told people I outran a cobra they screamed BS lol.

Good kill :)


A n/a Cobra, you shouldn't have to much of a problem with if your slightly modded but the blown ones you better be big time modded some of those cars are putting down 500-600 HP with nothing more that a tune and pulley change. :mad:
Good kill.

I had .357 r/t to his .502. My 60' was 1.747 to his 1.732. 330' was 4.851 to his 4.889. 1/8 mile was 7.457 to 7.432 and mph was 94.98 to 98.60. I won by .1201.

I saw him run again and he only ran a 7.5x at 98.x.


98MPH In 1/8 sounds pretty fast. I'm kind of out of touch. Is the new Shelby S/C like the 03-04 SVTs?

Good kill to the OP.
Stock the are beatable.. I raced a buddy of mine (took him by about a car, but he was coming on hard) before he got an evolution stage 2 kit...CAI..Pulley..intercooler..CB Exhaust..rear suspention and a canned tune.. I drove the car and I wouldn't even attempt it now.. Not a big stang fan but that car is bad a$$... Then again if I had $55 g's into the natty :rolleyes:
Street racing is illegal and dangerous and should never be attempted.
Mostly it should never be attempted because smarter guys in nicer clothes than my own said it was illegal, and law breaking is a sin.

haha. just kidding. Nice kill. I want to run one too!