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+1 for stolen Buick club


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Got an update for us Kenny?

I've been keeping my eyes peeled for your ride since you called me that night. If I see it, you will get it back, but it may have some damage from a 3/4 ton truck knocking it off the road! ;)
Hey Kenny i hope you read my post because i think the info might be helpfull . Didnt you put up a post not to long ago with pics from the track , and if im not mistaken i remeber seeing a pic with your front plate on it , and i vaugly remeber thinking about putting a post saying i was going to steal your car , i didnt because i figured even jokingly that would be bad etiqutte. Its quite posible in your state someone could go to motor vehicles and request info on your plate # which would give them you home address to come steal it at . That used to be the case in N.Y untill not to long ago because people here love to steal cars so much , If i were you i would see if you could find out if such an inquery was made on you plate and who did the inquery , there's your theif . Sorry on your loss .
Originally posted by Bandit
Got an update for us Kenny?

I've been keeping my eyes peeled for your ride since you called me that night. If I see it, you will get it back, but it may have some damage from a 3/4 ton truck knocking it off the road! ;)

No updates. The officer told me auto theft squad would call me, it's been a week, haven't heard a goddamn thing. :mad:

Hit it, then drag the driver to me so I can make sure they never have the use of their arms and legs again. :mad:

Though, I guess this would be an update, I did look at a very nice 86 T in Akron, and if all goes well with insurance I am going to try and pick it up. Not expecting the car to still be for sale when I finally get my insurance money. I have a feeling they’re going to try to low ball me like crazy… waiting for that $4,500 offer so I can laugh in their face.

This whole thing sucks. :(

Originally posted by galoush
Hey Kenny i hope you read my post because i think the info might be helpfull . Didnt you put up a post not to long ago with pics from the track , and if im not mistaken i remeber seeing a pic with your front plate on it , and i vaugly remeber thinking about putting a post saying i was going to steal your car , i didnt because i figured even jokingly that would be bad etiqutte. Its quite posible in your state someone could go to motor vehicles and request info on your plate # which would give them you home address to come steal it at . That used to be the case in N.Y untill not to long ago because people here love to steal cars so much , If i were you i would see if you could find out if such an inquery was made on you plate and who did the inquery , there's your theif . Sorry on your loss .

I thought about that as well. Not really possible, it’s registered to me, but when I bought it and put tags on it I was still living with my parents. I have since moved out and never changed the address on it. I don’t use this address for much of anything.
That really sucks:mad: I hate car jack Mutants:mad:

Hope you get your car back or you get a decent settlement from your insurance company. Man that sucks....:(