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112 octane gas storage


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Drive it like you stole it
Apr 17, 2010
Just wondering is the best to leave 112 octane filled up in my gas tank over the winter or to drain and put in a lesser octane such as '87 for storage purposes only.

Didn't see any write-ups about that and I googled it and really didn't see my answer. Car is left in a heated garage over the winter ❄️ Thanks
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Its best stored in a steel sealed drum like an old VP 5/gal container but it should be fine in the car for 6 months i do it all the time, not too much longer then that
I left 116 in my 86 and didn't see an issue.
87 just introduces "nasties" into the system, such as filters.
I just pitched a set of near new injs that a customer had allowed to sit over 2 winters... Actually, the car just was never driven much during the entire yr.
They were so nasty the car didn't want to run.
This was 93 pump.
Well thank gentleman. I hope winter isn't 6 months long over here. Yikes! Anyhow, the other thing I heard was that you should top the tank off so there's less air in there. And maybe I'm overthinking this but maybe change the fuel filter after I run the car out of that gas. Cheap insurance and also get the injectors reflowed
i usually fill the tanks in my summer vehicles full when i park them for the winter. then siphon it out as needed into the snowmobile.
Dylan that snowmobile must fly with high octane
This was 93 pump.
If it was pump gas with ethanol in it, it will gunk stuff up a whole lot worse that straight gas and it doesn't take long either. That's why you need to put some type of preservative like Sta-bil in it. I would think 112 was pure gas so 6 months shouldn't be a problem.
The results of "nasty gas" in a fuel system.
Out of a TR that had been sitting for an extended period. Not sure how long.
These are 95pph units.
Bobs 95s 002.jpg your long can a set of injectors sit in a car before you deem them either to be pulled and cleaned or deem them junk. your long can a set of injectors sit in a car before you deem them either to be pulled and cleaned or deem them junk.
The set of LS injectors I just trashed had been in the car for about 18 months.
The back story: The car had a no start issue. Owner claimed the injs were "bad", so he bought a new set.. Same issue. The pump relay STB, and wouldn't stay latched, was the real problem. When he put the new injs in he changed the filter, inspected the tank.
So, 18 months with likely <500 miles, they were so nasty that I wouldn't test them.
Fuel is no-led 93. Suposedly with an additive.
I built & owned that car. I drove it regularly. Never an issue.
Bottom line: a shot of Stabil and start it monthly, let it warm up. No issues.