180 degrees option on my deck

88 CuttyClassic

The Enviromental Hitman
Oct 30, 2001
i have a pioneer deh-7300 which allows me to turn my sub on or off from my deck. it also has some function i don't truly understand. You can switch the sub from normal to reverse. The sub gets deeper when i have it on reverse but i was wondering if this was supposed to be for when you have the sub flipped the otherway faceing into the box :confused: :confused: i am runnin one audiobahn 12" also. I have this funtion on the amp(sony xplode class d) too how should it be set to optimize the power and sound. i think thou since i have the deck set for INT controls that it overides that the amp is set to.
This is a phase control. With out getting into details of what it does....Simply put it where it sounds best. Only adjust the one on the deck OR the one on the amp. Not both.
To oversimplify what phase actually is...

If you had 2 speakers facing you, one was normal phase, the other 180 out of phase, one would go forward at the same time the other goes backward.
If you had a box in the trunk, and the sub faced to the rear, you would want it to be 180 out of phase so that it plays at the same time the other speakers in the system play. (ie it would actually move towards the front of the vehicle)
The idea behind it is just to get all the speakers playing the music at the same time. Speakers that are out of phase will cancel out some frequencies (especially low bass) and sound poorly.

I would keep the amp set at normal phase, and use the deck controls to see what sounds better. You may find that some music sounds better on different settings. Often a sub thats reverese phase from the other system speakers will sound "boomier", but not play as clean and tight.