It actually started in February for me. There was quite a bit of down time waiting on parts and things. Also I waited until full teardown to start posting. But yeah its been going fairly quick. Huge delay with the transmission that set me back almost 6 weeks but it looks like the body will be done in record time so it will work out.
After body its just a bit of reassembly (lol), the interior, stereo and final tuning.
So quick question from everyone that has been following along.
1. Should I keep the emblems, shave them all or keep some/shave some?
2. Suggestions on a head unit? I'm leaning towards navigation touch screen to go with the more modern theme and also considering maybe mounting an ipad in the stock stereo/climate controls area (I tested it fits perfectly left to right, just a tad bit of adjustment up and down would be needed). The ipad would be 3g, so gps, stereo and all the associated ipad goodies.
After body its just a bit of reassembly (lol), the interior, stereo and final tuning.
So quick question from everyone that has been following along.
1. Should I keep the emblems, shave them all or keep some/shave some?
2. Suggestions on a head unit? I'm leaning towards navigation touch screen to go with the more modern theme and also considering maybe mounting an ipad in the stock stereo/climate controls area (I tested it fits perfectly left to right, just a tad bit of adjustment up and down would be needed). The ipad would be 3g, so gps, stereo and all the associated ipad goodies.