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1990 Camaro (GN motor) vs 96 Chevy Blazer


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There is a darkside
May 14, 2007
This race actually happened maybe 2-3 months ago. But I felt like I had to tell it, since this place seems kinda dead anyhow...

Granted, all of these guys who are in this race all go to my HS, so we're all relatively young compared to most of you guys. So forgive some of the juvenile crap that your about to read.

Anyway, a guy I know, has a 96 Chevy Blazer. He's been talking crap for the past month on another guy I know who owns a Camaro. Now, on the one hand, the guy with the Blazer has built up his car by himself. Put in his own supercharger (As he claims anyway), and does all his own work to it. The guy with the Camaro has had his dad do all the work, put in the GN motor, etc. Hasn't dropped a cent of his own money in the car. Which, to tell you the truth, pisses off everybody.

So the story goes like this. Keith, who owns the Blazer, is driving on the highway and he's at a 30-40 roll when Damien, in his Camaro rolls up doing about the same on his right lane. Immediately, Keith, who wants to show he's got balls floors it and starts putting distance between himself and Damien. Damien hits it too a second later and all of a sudden, he's catching up to him.

Now granted, this is Keith, who's been saying nothing but mess on this car for the longest time. Calling it a peice, saying its trash, etc. (At the time it was pretty crummy looking) All of a sudden, now there goes Damien in front of him, 2 cars, then three, then four. Keith tried to catch up, but by then it was over. They were approaching the next light and it was over. He'd been shown up.

Needless to say, Keith was screaming the Camaro's praises the next day. Funny thing is though, he still claims his car can take anybody's in the school. And this is coming from a guy who claims he has 230HP and USED to talk bull on GN's and Buick's. That is... Until he took on the Camaro.

I had to admit it though. Although it pains me to see the guy doesn't do his own work and lets daddy do all the work on it, it is cool to see that he's at least putting some of these loudmouth's down.

I just can't wait until I can get mine and do this! :D
Always a great kill when a smack talker who can't back it up, gets taken down.

....but.....did you just call us ......old?:mad:
