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1997 Mustang GT


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New Member
May 16, 2003
Earlier this evening RareT and I went out for a cruise around town. We cruised for 30 minutes up and down the main drag looking ofr action but to no avail. We did get lined up with eachother a few times and his 12second beast won all the time. We got bored of cruising so we went to the Supermarker Parkinglot where all the racers were. There was a lightning, WRX, the typical winged rice, a z28, etc. We shut down and were scoping out our prey and not a minute later cops come and tell everyone to leave. Everyone split everywhichaways other than the main drag. So we went for another cruise and RareT was getting Hungry and it was getting late, so we bid goodbye and I stopped in a U-Turn as RareT went to McDonalds. I waited for the gap of traffic to close and i pulled out just ahead of the pack. I went in the slow lane and cruised the speedlimit checking out the cars. Low and behold, every near stock TRs dream, a late 90s Mustang GT. This had flowmaster exhaust and probally the other basics...He goosed the gas at me and we paced for about 1/2 mile untill we caugh a light. We were both in the far lanes and there was an ole guy in a maxima between us. I powerbrake it up to 2300rpms and let it spool down. We both nodded and I PBed back up and waited for th elight. I launched and we were equal through 1st. I hit 2nd and started pulling. At about 55mph I was a car ahead of him and tapped my breaks and shutdown. Just as I shut down I was really starting pull and I didnt want to risk a ticket in order for him to squint to see my car. He had a big grin on his face, he asked about the car, where i got it, etc, I asked him what he ran and he said high 14s low 15s. I have instilled fear in one more person. Oorah.
Allright! Good job! Yea the cops were kinda thick. Flashing lights everywhere. I couldn't even find that Mitsubishi SUV that wanted some of me last night......sigh