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2019 Bison Dyno – The Results!


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Tall Unvaccinated Chinese Guy
Dec 14, 2004
Many of you know that the dyno thread was locked, and the sole intent of this thread is to thank those who dyno’d, and those who were instrumental in making this event a success.

Objectives; The objective of the event was for owners to leave with additional knowledge and a better/safer running car, to support their long and short term goals. There were 5 cars; 2 XFI, 1 Sportsman, 2 ECU-GN. Bison worked with each attendee to prepare their car prior to the event and conducted initial evaluations to ensure readiness. Much of this was through preliminary “Live mobile tuning” while he was in Connecticut, and the owner(s) driving around in Houston.

Event; The cars were strapped down and everyone pitched in to assist where needed! This included but not limited to strapping cars down, providing guidance to get onto the rollers, food runs, cleaning the shop, etc. A true Team event! Thank you all!

There was a major rain storm and tornado watch (Thanks Bison LOL!) and associated power outages, forcing us to wait for about an hour to ensure electrical power stabilization. Some attendees and guests are not on the board, but are by no means insignificant in making this a success.

One car really started showing an electrical issue while on the dyno, and Steve V. quickly volunteered to share his knowledge and experience. There was some guessing, and Steve V. was incredible in identifying the root cause, within 10 minutes. He crawled all over the car to identify and fix the issue. What an asset to the TR world, and you would need to meet and talk this guy to really understand his knowledge and absolute integrity. THANK YOU @Steve V !

As expected, Bison never disappoints! He again proved to be an absolute subject matter expert and its’s hard to explain how good he is. He would NEVER let a car leave with a “Hail Mary Tune” looking for a number. You would have to be on the receiving end of his services, and willing to learn to really understand. Within an hour on one car, we witnessed “Can’t be done” that I have read for many years on this board, posted by many “tuners”. Don’t ask for details as it is not my place to share. Unreal. THANK YOU BISON!

Chuck's car was on the dyno and he is very familiar with the dyno set-up. He put in a FULL DAY of work to help strap down, run the dyno, move fans, guide vehicles, etc. The event wouldn’t have been as successful without his assistance and leadership. THANK YOU @Chuckd !

James did not dyno but will always have a free pass. You would have to watch this guy to understand his passion, demeanor, and work ethic! His passion, knowledge are work ethic are on display in the quality of the work on his car. This is one of the absolute cleanest I have ever seen! THANK YOU @JAMCAR223 !

Collective feedback on “Lessons learned” from attendees, special and invited guests (You know who you are) deemed this an absolute success. It is fair to say that the event doesn’t happen without people who are willing to take a leap of faith, and invest in their cars and knowledge. I would like to personally and publicly thank each dyno attendee for helping to make this such an unforgettable event.

Take away; The combination of a dyno and event managed by James made this an absolute BLAST and SUCCESS because of the people involved. There were no drama queens looking for a handout, or looking to be served. Everyone assisted where needed, and the comradery was second to none! Awesome group of people. Let’s see if we can add TurboTweak and/or Bailey to the special attendee list next time.

PS: My car is very close to being out of turbo and @bison wouldn’t even discuss a taking my money, until I run the car at the track. Thanks a lot Pal! LOL!!
I enjoyed the day, meeting and greeting. Nero328 was a happy camper as well. Good times, better people! Thanks for the invite and hospitality!

Yes he was! And Nero’s fresh stroker motor built by none other than Steve V’s Automotive was voted (by far) to sound the Angriest! As that thing sounded mean as hell and it was quite impressive, especially knowing it’s GN1 Waste Gate restrictions.

Folks this was an incredible event put on by awesome people. And I can’t wait to have my car up there next year!!

Here are a few pics of the facility! And as you can see this place is hopping (must’ve been thirty some odd late model Corvettes in the parking lot having motors built), and they were building motors for Hennessy Motor Sports there! Pretty cool!!













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More pics and video please!!!
Title says 2019 Bison Dyno – The Results! Where's the results!? How bout some numbers? Anyone up the boost for a lil extra? If so how much did they gain? Even if you don't say which car. Glad to hear everyone had a good time but let's go. We need combos and numbers. ;):hilarious:
Just wanted to say THANKS again to Jerryl for putting together that great event yesterday. I enjoyed myself and learned alot. It was great to meet all the guys and have the "honor" of Bison tuning my car! Hats off to you for all the hard work, planning and coordination that you put into the event.

Also, want to thank James for helping out (on a day that he had work) and also putting together the Annual Turbobuick Meet the day before.

Special thanks to Bison for coming taking time out of his busy schedule.

Lastly, i want to thank the gentlemen that was running the dyno for us (forgive me, i cant remember name)

(I originally put this message in the wrong thread :cautious:)
Yes he was! And Nero’s fresh stroker motor built by none other than Steve V’s Automotive was voted (by far) to sound the Angriest!
That thing sounded just plain NASTY, and the numbers backed it up too! Incredible job by @Steve V and very happy for @Nero328 as it has been a long hard road for the car. Both are really cool guys to hang out with!
Title says 2019 Bison Dyno – The Results! Where's the results!? How bout some numbers? Anyone up the boost for a lil extra? If so how much did they gain? Even if you don't say which car. Glad to hear everyone had a good time but let's go. We need combos and numbers. ;):hilarious:
V6 Turbos, 2004R, internal and external gates, single and dual pumps, Iron & AL heads, FT and roller cams, stock and roller rockers, XFI/Sportsman/ECU-GN, SLIC and FM, Street and Drag radials, Husek/PTC and stock converters, Lamda targets 1.0 - 0.80 , 400-700 Torque dialed back with some identified corks on each car.

My car gained 50-80% from first to last pull.
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Playing that close to the vest, lol.
Playing that close to the vest, lol.
First off; Combos don't matter as everything on the cars is readily available.
Secondly; None of the guys at the event are interested in setting any records. Guys were much more interested in determining where it is at, and what's the next step.

If I said 300HP at 18 PSI on a S2, the firs thing guys would say . . . . Turn it up! If I said 1400HP at 80PSI boost at a cost of $80K, guys would say . . . it should be higher. In the end the only thing that matters is the satisfaction of the owner, and maybe he/she just wanted a S2.
The objective never "has been" and "never will" be "Bragging rights" or "See if we can break it on the next run".

Plenty guys here that have VERY fast cars, but will never share numbers or combos.
That thing sounded just plain NASTY, and the numbers backed it up too! Incredible job by @Steve V and very happy for @Nero328 as it has been a long hard road for the car. Both are really cool guys to hang out with!
Nero's car has individual coils, not waist spark, that may account for the Nasty sound :)