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4th Annual Tyler Shipman Memorial cruise and show.


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Jul 26, 2005
Not sure if this is where I should post this, but I thought Id share this event with you guys:
For those who dont know the story, here it is:

"Doors open to camp Shipman Thursday July 25 (although I may be working that day). No charge for camping of course. We do have some electrical outlets outside and also a "camp shower."
Fiero Feast (hog roast) Friday evening July 26 at our place. $5.00 per person contribution appreciated.
Show Saturday July 27 10-2 p.m. Additional trophy this year for the car club entering the most cars and also a lowrider category.
Smiley from the Originals Car Club in Fargo will be running a jalepeno and pie eating contest!

Saturday evening we will be having a scenic drive with supper to follow. Watch for more details on this. We will be enjoying a supper out somewhere in the area - so no second fiero feast at our house saturday night this year, although we will more than likely have left overs from Friday for anyone interested in that.

Sunday - show and shine small car show. Parade of cars at 1:30ish for anyone still around who is interested.

Tshirts - $12.00 up to XL, $15.00 for larger. Please preorder or you might not get one. I will post the design once it is decided on.

**If you preregister with me prior to June 1st you will receive a FREE car show tshirt! This is complements of United Community Bank in Frazee, MN" Link for the registration and what-not. All cars are welcome. I'll be takeing my 87 Turbo T and 85 GN up there. If anyone wants to caravan with me there let me know. Thanks! :) -Ben