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6.1 is speed density I believe so no MAF. That's a whole other animal if you're ready to start tuning.
No, 6.1 is O2 tracking at WOT. You pick the ratio at WOT, O2 will track it darn well.
Paul is absolutely 100% Mr Buick, if you want good advice, reread his post a few times until it makes sense. Since I started wearing glasses a few years ago, I really don't enjoy wrenching on my car and I'm to cheap to pay anyone for something that I can do myself, so that's the main reason for keeping the boost at 25#, I just want to drive it to work during the week and catch a car show on the weekend.

Paul is absolutely 100% Mr Buick, if you want good advice, reread his post a few times until it makes sense. Since I started wearing glasses a few years ago, I really don't enjoy wrenching on my car and I'm to cheap to pay anyone for something that I can do myself, so that's the main reason for keeping the boost at 25#, I just want to drive it to work during the week and catch a car show on the weekend.


120+mph driver that's 30 years old. Nice! Great rationale on the boost number too.
Thought I would share video from last weekend, Marley and I where at Goodlings Motorsports York Haven PA, a local Sring Open House/dyno day. Only cars to put down over 500 H/P where the two Buick Turbos there. Most of the Mustangs where in the 350 H/P range.


@KevinBroadwater , you clicked disagree on my above post. Probably a mis-click. I'm not a fan of all these new ratings. No worries man, I was just flipping some stuff.
Alot of those "ratings" are done accidently with the phone app.