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60 foot not that good


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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
my best ET
60 ft 1.746
330 4.762
660 7.353
MPH 93.86
990 9.622
1/4 11.546
MPH 117.07

Ill post the log for you to look at too, Car is not spinning the tires.
Question is do I take fuel out do I add fuel? Alky is at bass settings #7 on the nob no KR.
Do I through some timing at it? As you can see from the log it goes flat.
Is the converter a little tight or a little lose in the 60? We will be making it tighter on the top.
I fill its a little tight at the 60,looking at the log I cant come up with how loose to make it
Looking at the log . Is it FUEL TIMING or CONVERTER or a combanation


What boost are you leaving at?

I’m getting ready to play with an electronic boost controller and a t brake

I had a very similar 60 ft like yours leaving at 4psi on a 3000 ptc converter a few years back
Your alcohol is coming on too much and too soon. Your leaving the line pig rich. Your alcohol is coming in at 7 lbs. but your leaving the line at 20 lbs.
Boy I see it ,at time I release the foot break at 3200 it’s fat (10.36) and in .5 it climbs 1000 rpm and 12 mph and leaned out to 11.0 , was thinking that wasn’t bad , I do see it from your perspective though.
I keep looking at the flat spot at .5 seconds to 1.37 just before the 1-2 shift. All 6 logs look pretty much the same just different leave rpm looking for its happy spot 2800-3700 ,3200 at 20 was its best 3700 at 25 it shoved through the light .from 3000 down to 2800 boost was 9- 10.5 and ET and 60 almost the same.I should be happy with that but I know the 60 should be better.I almost added some timing to se if it would help.
I see your compressor is just a little larger than mine ,do you have some logs I can loot at?
At 20lbs you should be flying out the hole . What kinda converter do you have ? How much is it slipping ? If you are not spinning the tires at 20lbs I’m thinking your converter is way to loose .also I would turn the alky down . You are to rich imo. That or make the alky come on at alil higher boost. What A/F are you targeting in the low gears ? How much timing ?
okay after actually looking at your log as stated before you have way to much alky spraying your narrow band is pegged at 900+. go in the alky controller and there you will find 2 knobs one is for how much it starts out spraying and the other is for when it comes on .I would start by taking your regular knob down till u start to see alil knock . or you can turn the turn on knob up alil so it comes on later around 10-11psi.
What Mr.Spool said , just a little too much fuel or too little timing hurt my 60' by .2 - .3 sec . That's what tuning is all about !!
Then there is a traction issue !!
Thank you dynoman Mr.Spool and dank GN I’m starting to see a pattern. My pass at 2800 and 10 psi same pig rich as stated, as 3200 and 20. I keep focusing on the flat spot at 4300 on all the logs go from 10.3 fat to 11.0 just above my 10.8 target. And not the the first part.

Dank GN it’s a extreme automatic converter and Lonnie is going to tighten up the trap slipping that just above his target of 7% or less (it’s 10%) I almost put timing in it after my 2800 and 10 pass thinking the converter was to tight to drive through the flat spot little more power will loosen a converter up right. But instead I left with more boost and rpm 2900 and 11.5 same results then 3000 12 same thing and finally 3200 and 20 more boost more power .Bad thinking should have tried timing and AF for power not boost.

Mr. Spool I did not try pulling fuel ,it is rich a full .7 second at WOT that’s a long time

Now for the bad news converter is out to ship . Maybe I wait two weeks for a test and tone and get better numbers on the 60 .

Thanks I may reinstall the converter before sending it out for tightening up the top and possibly losing the bottom. That might even make the top side better.
Of you are using Razor alky system, I would suggest grounding the purple wire when building boost. This will arm the system and significantly reduce alky pressure to prevent "flooding". That is what it was designed to do.

On a "real" aftermarket ECU, the purple wire can be ground at a setting of choice.
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