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60ft's with alky....


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May 24, 2001
Has anyone experienced a drop in 60ft times with alky as opposed to race gas? I've read some posts about bogging. My kit should be here this week, I launch at 5psi, think i'll have any problems if its set up properly?

Hey pat...You won't bog down in first gear the alchy won't be activated until you set the activation point at 2 pounds under the point that you now are getting knock.

Try setting the pump speed to one-half way, and tune from there.

Or use full speed, and you will see what 'bog' really is.:)

Start out with pure de-natured. it's easy to tune. Later you may find you can put approx. 30 percent water in..

Have fun, and take it slowly.
I think the bogging happens more with 8-10 pound launches and a turn on point in that range of 9-12 or so.

Happened to Kens (Hotsix231) car last track rental when he was trying to launch hard with his new slicks. :(
My cars will get a lower 60ft time running pump gas with alchy compared to Cam 2 at the same boost level and same psi launch. The pump gas seems to have more energy and burn faster.
Thanks for the good info guys, hopefully my kit will be here next week, cant wait:D
On my best alky runs, I 60 ft'd 1.65 , 1.63 , 1.64 and 1.62. The 1.62, car went 11.78. The other's were 11.805, 11.804 and 11.801 repectively. All runs were 9psi launch and spray on at 15psi with pump speed at 4 ( dual nozzles )
On my best alky runs, I 60 ft'd 1.65 , 1.63 , 1.64 and 1.62. The 1.62, car went 11.78. The other's were 11.805, 11.804 and 11.801 repectively. All runs were 9psi launch and spray on at 15psi with pump speed at 4 ( dual nozzles )

What tire are you running? Also have you upgraded to S10 wheel cylinder's for better holding power?

I can only launch with 3psi before my BFG's break loose...

nonetheless excellent times.
Originally posted by boostedmaxPSI
What tire are you running? Also have you upgraded to S10 wheel cylinder's for better holding power?

I can only launch with 3psi before my BFG's break loose...

nonetheless excellent times.

MT et drags 28x10.5x15's, Yes, I do have the bigger wheel cylinders ( and vacuum brakes )
I have my turn on point dang near as high as it will go. I also experienced serious low end bog untill I experimented by slowly turning the alky T/O point up and up to where it resides now which is with the arrow pointing down right before it cannot go anymore which i think is about the 9 o'clock position. The way I see it is my TTA will handle ~17 psi on pump and no this point is where I want it to turn on or a pound or two lower for a "safety net" so to speak.
Question isnt 60..its 330 :)

Too much alky will lower the 330.. this where the work takes place..if the car cant 330..forget about your 1/4 et.

I'm been doing creative things like hooking a relay to my while I'm staging..alky cannot turn on.

Still have some things in the works..