Any octane booster leaves residue on plugs and O2 sensors as well.
I'm in Phoenix too, and 91 is the best we can get out of the pump.
Our brilliant ex-Senator, Jeff Flake, forced pump E85 in AZ to actually be E53, so they could tax it like regular gas. He always was a miserable fuck of a politician. There are a couple stations that sell the real deal, but when they get caught, gotta find a new place willing to take a chance. Street guys here keep it very secretive when they find it.
BTW, FJB, for good measure. Come take my guns and gas stove, or try, anyways.
I've run Premium (91) and Razor's Alky System on my car forever. I'm not breaking any records, but I run deep into the 10's every pass, and that's good enough for me.
Just keep that pump serviced regularly!