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Chuck Leeper

Toxic old bastard
Staff member
May 28, 2001
Sunny, no wind to speak of..................Then there's the downer part. 9*, which is 43* below our average for this time of the yr. :oops:
Somebody pissed Mother Nature off!
In any case, the heat pump is working, even if on high. no frozen pipes, no ice/snow.
All's good in paradise! 😁
Cheers Chuck! funny that I spent a little time yesterday cleaning the snow / slush / water off the truck and drying the DS door opening and handle so it wouldn't be frozen shut if I needed to go anywhere.
Enjoy that heat wave Chuck! We hit a high of 0 yesterday, better than the previous few days with a high of -9!

It was 20 degrees warmer in my deep freezer Thursday morning than it was outside LOL.

Merry Christmas
-11 with the wind chill here... friggin miserable
Yes Merry Christmas to all of us (Even the ones that for some reason stay in the colder winter climate like me). I have my garage set to 60 degrees, but with the wind, and the -9 ambient, it simply cant muster any more than 45...

Thats one cold Buick.

Happy New Year too!
Merry Christmas! Much to be thankful for. The cold weather is keeping my family close. Sad for those the cold weather is keeping apart.
21 up here. It got down to 11 last night which is the coldest I can remember in a long time.

Merry Christmas!!
Single digits here in Rochester NY , but the 60mph winds that came with it are crazy . Buffalo had 70mph winds and huge lake effect snow ....again !!
Phoenix, AZ

71 degrees at 3:55 PM!

This is why we live here.

Look at that sky!!!!!!


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Phoenix, AZ

71 degrees at 3:55 PM!

This is why we live here.

Look at that sky!!!!!!
Brrrrr. You guys wear ski jackets when it's 85. I've seen Nick do it. Should be 76 here tomorrow in Huntington Beach. I surfed for about an hour today. And yup! "This is why we live here". :)
Yes Merry Christmas to all of us (Even the ones that for some reason stay in the colder winter climate like me). I have my garage set to 60 degrees, but with the wind, and the -9 ambient, it simply cant muster any more than 45...

Thats one cold Buick. View attachment 390567

Happy New Year too!
Haven't you heard? Turbo Buicks love cold weather.

On the real though, could use a little of that global warming right now. It's 24, 10 degrees warmer than last night at the same time and thankfully the wind has died down some too but got word earlier from the power company to cut back on nonessential power use and expect possible rolling blackouts in the a.m. due to increased demands. Hope that doesn't happen. 😓
Was 22 F up here in the Great White North yesterday. Gonna be raining up here by mid week.
Mid 50's this week. Mid/hi 60's by New Yrs day.
Was 6* yesterday @6 am. 18* today. 22 now on the way up to 35.
Ah yes! Sunner is coming!! 😁