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A kill with some help


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Tall Unvaccinated Chinese Guy
Dec 14, 2004
Talking the other day, I told my GF that one day I was going to “act” as if I was going to run a car sitting next to me and than take of slowly while “they burn some rubber”. The car is not running right …. Not yet anyways.

So the GF takes the car out for some errands. At the light, out of nowhere, a fairly loud V8 Mustang pulls up next to the PS. He starts blipping the throttle continually, very aggressively, for about 10 seconds. She starts laughing real hard and the Mustang guys are getting real upset and noticeably irritated.

The GF starts blipping the throttle a bit “egging on the Mustang”, continuing to laugh out loudly, while watching the light. The Mustang is getting real mad and keeps looking at the GN. As soon as the light jumps to green, he NAILS it while she takes off slowly. He spins off, lays some rubber, and as soon as he does that, the “Cherries” go on, follow the Mustang, and, pull him over. She drives by doing 30, waves at the Mustang and keeps laughing!

He never saw one of “Houston’s finest” at the intersection (Approaching right ) getting ready to make a R turn. So, in the end, she made it to the next light before the Mustang did with about 15 minutes to spare. :tongue:

Moral of the story:
You do NOT want to win very race! Pick them wisely!
True True

Ya got to be vewwy vewwy careful, and check your surroundings.
Ya got to be vewwy vewwy careful, and check your surroundings.

Yes sir.

You have to always keep an eye out for people you don't want to run over as well as those you don't want to issue you some steal bracletts. That is why I rarely ever race in town.
SVORay said:
.....You have to always keep an eye out for people you don't want to run over as well as those you don't want to issue you some steal bracletts. That is why I rarely ever race in town.

PLUS, people run red lights ALL the time, at least in this town they do.
Always scares me and I usually have a 2 sec delay and/or watch very closely after the light turns to make sure it is clear.

lol, good kill. yeah, the only way i'll run from a stoplight in town is if there's hardly any traffic. even then, i let off at a pretty low speed. it's much better to set up the race and take it to a nice deserted road, or out on the highway. but sometimes those stangs are just too tempting!!!
Jerryl said:
PLUS, people run red lights ALL the time, at least in this town they do.
Always scares me and I usually have a 2 sec delay and/or watch very closely after the light turns to make sure it is clear.

It amazes me how many people jump out into an intersection once the light turns green. There is always some idiot trying to haul ass through those Yellow lights going the other way. Hell, I had a Porscha SUV almost plow into me and my family one day :eek: It doesn't matter what they're drive or what, I'm not rolling forward until I see them slowing down in time to stop.
those are my favorites....

I love to sit back and watch those unfold...then go pull the guy over. I would say most of the time he either has warrants or dope... even though he won the "race", he lost his freedom and his ride gets towed. God I love my job. My personal opinion is everyone likes to play around....just don't do it where other people are......
not damn cops....

stupid people....go race out of traffic and away from people. Whenever there is a street racing accident, it almost always involves an innocent person that gets plowed by a racer. Go to a track or at least where no other traffic will be. Racing at stop lights is stupid.
SVORay said:
It amazes me how many people jump out into an intersection once the light turns green. There is always some idiot trying to haul ass through those Yellow lights going the other way. Hell, I had a Porscha SUV almost plow into me and my family one day :eek: It doesn't matter what they're drive or what, I'm not rolling forward until I see them slowing down in time to stop.

Then there's the people who have the minimum stopping distance of their vehicle programmed into their heads. They race up to a stop sign or redlight and jam on the brakes to stop at the last possible second. Around here they'll keep going unless a collision is imminent, which I think is why they do it. I'm a little skittish after having been hit twice this year by people rolling through stop signs. I always wait a couple of seconds to look around before 'launching' the GN from a stoplight. It gives my opponent a very needed head start anyway ;).

turbojimmy said:
Then there's the people who have the minimum stopping distance of their vehicle programmed into their heads. They race up to a stop sign or redlight and jam on the brakes to stop at the last possible second. Around here they'll keep going unless a collision is imminent, which I think is why they do it. I'm a little skittish after having been hit twice this year by people rolling through stop signs. I always wait a couple of seconds to look around before 'launching' the GN from a stoplight. It gives my opponent a very needed head start anyway ;).


Yes sir, well you can count me out of this group as well. I have the stopping distance of a Semi truck lol In order for me to stop light race, I would have to hit the brakes as soon as I hit the gas lol It's rough stopping a 5600lb truck doing 100mph in the quater :eek: Heck, it's rough shutting her down on our wore out quater mile track. I could just imagine trying her WOT in town :eek: I've also come VERY VERY close to being rear ended this way. There is tons of people who do this crap all the time where we hang out. My friends and I have gotten to the point where we just park on the side of the road watching instead of just cruising. It's a hair more safe that way. Then if anyone wants to run'em, we got a road right by where we park that takes us right in to the county away from everyone.