Achllies Tendon?


Jul 15, 2006
I know its random as all-get-out, But have any of you guys ever had a severed of reptured Achllies Tendon? If so, how long was it before you were able to walk "normal"
I know its random as all-get-out, But have any of you guys ever had a severed of reptured Achllies Tendon? If so, how long was it before you were able to walk "normal"

If you do either of those things, you'll never ever be 100% again, you'd be lucky to walk
If you do either of those things, you'll never ever be 100% again, you'd be lucky to walk
I had my RT foot completely severed off in a motorcycle accident in june of 04' and I wasn't 100% but I walked for 4yrs okay and just last week I had my 7th surgery. "Ankle Fusion" and after reading all kinds of research on the fusion they say I should be 100% pain free
and my walking gate should be normal. I personally seen the results of a guy who had a ankle fusion from a totally crushed foot and you could'nt even tell it was done or fused together..

All though you may never be 100% there are ways to make up for it so good people would never know!

Scot w.
I recently had a bout of Achllies Tendonitis, which the doc decribes as micro tears in the tendon that had started forming calcified scar tissue (bone spurs) where the tendon attached to the heel. I'm hard headed when it comes to seeking medical treatment so I had walked around limping for about 3 weeks before I went to see the MD. He told me what was going on and told me that due to the extremly poor circulation in that area it would take a very long time to heal. He said maybe a year to be fully recovered. He had me out of work and in a walking boot for almost 5 weeks. That was back in Aug. Although I am walking normally I can still feel that it's not totally 100% and even ocassionally limp a little again. He said to watch out for that area getting warm and swelling because that could be a sign that it was ruptured or about to rupture.
I recently had a bout of Achllies Tendonitis, which the doc decribes as micro tears in the tendon that had started forming calcified scar tissue (bone spurs) where the tendon attached to the heel. I'm hard headed when it comes to seeking medical treatment so I had walked around limping for about 3 weeks before I went to see the MD. He told me what was going on and told me that due to the extremly poor circulation in that area it would take a very long time to heal. He said maybe a year to be fully recovered. He had me out of work and in a walking boot for almost 5 weeks. That was back in Aug. Although I am walking normally I can still feel that it's not totally 100% and even ocassionally limp a little again. He said to watch out for that area getting warm and swelling because that could be a sign that it was ruptured or about to rupture.
key words in your sentance are (bone spurs)= arthritis, My foot was ate up with both of those and even weather had ALOT to do with the ocassional pain and limp. I think that will be with you for ever or at least a long time. good luck, hang in there!

Scot W.
I had my RT foot completely severed off in a motorcycle accident in june of 04' and I wasn't 100% but I walked for 4yrs okay and just last week I had my 7th surgery. "Ankle Fusion" and after reading all kinds of research on the fusion they say I should be 100% pain free
and my walking gate should be normal. I personally seen the results of a guy who had a ankle fusion from a totally crushed foot and you could'nt even tell it was done or fused together..

All though you may never be 100% there are ways to make up for it so good people would never know!

Scot w.

Jebus Christ! Sorry to hear about that man, I hope it all works out.

I recently had a steel tab meet the back of my ankle, completely severing my RT achilles. Had the surgery, did the whole hard cast deal for about 2 months, and yesterday was my first day in an "air boot". I can plantarflex (point foot down) this sum-bitch all day long, and when I Dorsiflex (point foot up) its painless, just dosen't feel right. I read a couple of places that its 90% mental, that there is a constant fear of over flexing and causing re-rupture. Its just freaking me out thats I cant walk "normally"
I read a couple of places that its 90% mental, from SBCRegal.

I had some tell me as well that my carpletunnel was mental but untill they wake up in the middle of the night with the claw,:eek: they have no clue, nerves register in the brain, getting burned dont hurt, its the nerves repairing that does.

anyway hope it all works out for ya and godspeed
Jebus Christ! Sorry to hear about that man, I hope it all works out.

I recently had a steel tab meet the back of my ankle, completely severing my RT achilles. Had the surgery, did the whole hard cast deal for about 2 months, and yesterday was my first day in an "air boot". I can plantarflex (point foot down) this sum-bitch all day long, and when I Dorsiflex (point foot up) its painless, just dosen't feel right. I read a couple of places that its 90% mental, that there is a constant fear of over flexing and causing re-rupture. Its just freaking me out thats I cant walk "normally"
Yikes! yours don't sound too good either! Iv'e been in my post surgery cast for two weeks now and I go back to the doc tomarow. Then i'm looking at 10wks more recovery myself. good luck with your recovery! Scot w.
The mind is a strong healer. I had some bad lower back (disc) problems and can honestly say that "thinking" about the pain is one of the biggest factors when determining when or if you will ever heal.

I know it sounds corny and lame (cause im a realist and said "thats BS") but trust me when I tell you the mental part of healing is critical to when or if you will get back to normal.

Good luck.
I tore my left achillies the 3rd time while i was in korea. doctor told me it will never be the same again and the weakness in that area has started to affect my knee for the last couple years. the first time i tore it took about a year to before i could run, after 3 tears thou the muscle in my left leg are dramatically less than the right. no amount of physical therapy helped either.