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Affirmative Action


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Apr 30, 2003
A conservative student group, the College Republicans, held a protest at the University of Washington. The protest took the form of a bake sale.
They charged white students one dollar for cookies and brownies and only 25 to 75 cents for black and hispanic students
Donuts were not sold to white or asian students.
The purpose of the protest was to show the effects of affirmative action in an effort to oppose affirmative action.
The president of the black student union said he felt "itemized" when he saw the protest.
The protest was shut down when some of the sales booths were attacked. The article didn't specify the nature of the attacks.
I am not taking sides here and do not wish this to become some ugly race argument(s).
What do you think, was this a wise way to protest?
Whether it is valid or not, I think it will only succeed in labeling republican's and conservative thinking people; and it will not be a good label, either.
I think it is a great example of what affirmative action is.It IS about race any way you cut it so don't say you are not looking for a race argument.The sole purpose of it is to give the minorities(is there any such thing these days?)a trip to the head of the line with less to offer.Look at it this way ,a white guy with a college degree and all the skills necessary is told he is "overqualified" where as a "minority" who has little skill in the area is offered the job first.I say the one who works for what they want should get it and not be based on race,religion or anything else.I personally would not want to hire an unprofessional individual no matter what he is.Funny how the tables were attacked for giving cheaper to the minorities (I'll bet money it was the minorities that attacked them).They are always trying to get stuff free.
:( I agree that's exactly what affirmitive action does.
I lost out on a Job in Portland Ore. oiling on a crane I had already been on for a year because I wasn't a minority.
That was 3 months of 7 12's I could've worked,but instead I had take the hit and miss work.
But guess who was the first to get the call when the crane had to be Tore down or moved.
I had to do all the back breaking work while some *unt got all the gravy.
The real pisser was is that they actually told me that it was due to affirmative action.
Sorry about the rant I usually try to keep this to myself.
Everyone who doesn't kiss minority ass is subject to be called a bigot or racist or both.
Anyway Merry Christmas
Affirmative action was a good thing in the days of rampant racism,but should be done away with these days.The term "minority" is relative and not looked at properly these days.Where I live I am outnumbered probably 30 to 1 by Hispanics.That makes me a minority...right? NOPE because the definition of "minority" is any body who is not white instead of the real meaning.Racism still exists because of all the freebies we give these so called "minorities" that seem to have nothing better to do than breed.Affirmative action is racism.When my parents were both out of work when I was a kid they could not even get food stamps.I bet if they weren't white they would have gotten them.
While I can be classified as a "Minority" I am against affirmative action on the basis of qualification for being admitted to a school. I would have found the bake sale a simplistic and feable attempt to explain a complex issue. To all the "White" people that were hurt in their career or life by affirmative action my sympathies. But I had a spotless career and that wasn't enough. I then tested in the top 1 percent out of thousands and was told it was a fluke. I then tested number 3 out of thousands before it wasn't a fluke and given recognition and advanced training.

By the way no freebies ever came to me or my parents.
Affirmative action hurts us all, especially taxpayers. In my city, we have a program for government contracts and a certain percentage must go to minority or female owned businesses. I can understand where there may be argument that it had it's day because of the "good ole boy club" downtown, but as a taxpayer today, I am offended by such a program. ALL goverment contracts should be awarded to the bidder who provides the best quality work for the least amount of money, PEROID. If a minority owned business should place such a bid, then congratulations, you get the contract.

The good news is (sort of) that a group of white business owners is suing the city over discrimination, since they have lost potentially winning bids over race. Unfortunately, this is costing us more money in legal fees and procedings, buts it's a good step.
I am a Black American that DOES NOT AGREE WITH AFFIRMITIVE ACTION. My parents taught me that if you did not earn it you dont need to get it. My parents have never received any special treatment and taught me to never expect it, And I am teaching my children the same. You should never get something give to you because of your race especially a job, especially if you dont qualify for it! I beleive that if you can get up and walk in the office to get food stamps you can walk on a job site and go to work!! There are people that need what others are robing deserving people of and I beleive it must stop! I know that there will be others that disagree with me, But thats what happens when you stand up out of the crowd. Merry Christmas to all!!
I think Affirmative action hurts everyone. Even those who benefit from it are being cheated from the basic benefit that personal skills and abilities can bring. Personally, I honestly don't know what is worse, getting turned away from a job because of skin color, or getting hired because of skin color and no other reason. Seems like everything else one works for in life as far as education and skills are concerned means absolutely nothing when it comes to affirmative action. What a waste.
Originally posted by LETHAL-6
I am a Black American that DOES NOT AGREE WITH AFFIRMITIVE ACTION. My parents taught me that if you did not earn it you dont need to get it. My parents have never received any special treatment and taught me to never expect it, And I am teaching my children the same. You should never get something give to you because of your race especially a job, especially if you dont qualify for it! I beleive that if you can get up and walk in the office to get food stamps you can walk on a job site and go to work!! There are people that need what others are robing deserving people of and I beleive it must stop! I know that there will be others that disagree with me, But thats what happens when you stand up out of the crowd. Merry Christmas to all!!

Merry Christmas to you, and thanks!:)
affirmative action takes place in many different forms.i am a black male and have seen it in the form of incompetent white workers that get the nod for jobs they are not qualified to do.lets not pretend this does not happen.i work with someone now who fits that bill.he should have never been hired and after 3 years he still cant work on his own.but does he lose his job? no!this unofficial affirmative action is more prevalent in our society.i work in a bio-tech and i see lots of unqualified whites get the nod over and over one should get prefernce based on color alone,white or black. not all minorities are unqualified.merry christmas!
Who said that all minorities are not qualified?Affirmative action was put in place to stop racism from being the driving force in hiring someone.I don't think your white friend is being helped from Affirmative action.In all honesty,if he were fired and screamed racism he would be laughed at.You on the other hand could make alot of trouble for the employer if it happened to you.Do not get mad at the truth.Like I said it WAS a good thing in the past,now just useless.Laws like AA keep the tension between the races these days because one side is always going to think they have it worse than the other.Promotions and education benefit and etc. should be equal for all men as all men are equal.Merit should be the deciding factor in any situation.I haven't heard of a united white boys college fund or a NAAWP or any such things,but there are all kinds of funds and programs for minorities.My point is that there are no minorities anymore the #s don't lie.In Texas I am a minority but because I am white I am not considered a minority.You know we all get college scholarships and everything just handed to us because we are white:rolleyes: .Thats what your type would say.
that is not what i said,my point is there is an affirmative action that takes place that no one wants to talk co-worker is a prime example.if he has no work skills that benifit the company and i have to hold his hand in every situation than why was he hired?i have seen this in every job i had.and i also said that i dont agree with the hire of anyone due soley on the color of their skin,but it happens on BOTH sides of the fence.lets be real.
Killerb...I understand your point but the incompetent white guy being promoted is not affirmative action. He is getting promoted because he has fooled someone into thinking he is competent. He is not being promoted to fulfill a government mandate or quota. He may indeed be an idiot and hopefully his performance will eventually weed him out but him being promoted is not an example of reverse affirmative action.
blown z a, rose by any other name is still a rose.that form of affirmative action isnt federally mandated,but serves the same purpose. i am very good at what i do and i can see everyones points,but this has been an issue for minorities to for a very long time.i wish this wasnt an issue,but these things do exist.
Yep they sure do.

There is no doubt in many companies there is a good ol boy network. This was one of the reasons for a need for affirmative action in the first place. The thing with the ol boys network is it matters not if you are white or black...but whether you are in the clique or out of the clique. You can be as white as the driven snow and still never get promoted if you aren't on the inside. There is a reason for the old isn't what you's WHO you know.
Interesting indeed.......

Affirmative action is useless??Hmm, don't think so, this was created in a time period in which racial tensions were at its highest....and in some senses they still are. (YES believe it or not they still are!!!)

What has changed has been the overall time, not the actual law, I guess what many are saying is that because is it not a time in which we are still getting hosed down, spat at, or being told to go in through the BACK door to apply for those same positions that we KNOW we would get turned down for (due to our race), then it has become a double edged sword that has affected both of us on both sides of the table.

But that sword has both wounded and defended all of us at one time or another. It has given many minorities an inroads into careers that they would otherwise not have, opened many doors for us that were previously closed and provided opportunities of course that many of us would never see.

On the flip side of the coin, it has closed the doors in faces (albeit quietly), rejected applications on the reverse side of racism(very politely) and taken opportunities also away from those of the same (but believe me and you you will find more of course).

The great equalizer---it has giveth and taketh away at once.....

I am truly sorry for you believing that affirmative action is totally useless..and by no means am I defending myself I believe much in the same as killerb does, that everything that I would like to obtain, I would also like to earn in the same fashion and form and not one that would be predicated upon my race....

However, I invite you to take a day to live in my skin, walk through my shoes have the almighty NO'S thrown in your face on a consistent basis, ( And I mean consistently not "Well, you know I missed out on this for a few months")and not search for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to help you get ahead in any way.

Just so you could find a way.

And if you still believe that affirmative action is a way for minorities to get to the head of the line with having LESS to offer...then you sir, have missed both the definition and the impact overall.

And yes, I am black...allover.

Sorry if one of our chances took away one of yours, don't get used to it though, probably just a isolated event in your case.

I have gotten used to it though.

Isn't that a shame....


Steve Chambers
The problem with affirmative action is that people aren't stupid and have long memories. AA turns into hiring people based on a "quota" system, because that is easiest for the folks in "HR".

They even have a nice file that has all the org charts with everybodies ethnic makeup. Every company has one. The Government requires it. When you see the file, you feel like its 1938 Germany. People you had no idea were minorities that you've been working with them for 5 years are labeled as such.

"Holy crap" you say when you see the file, I didn't know he was 1/16 American Indian. Damn, I better be more sensitive to native america issues :rolleyes: .

When people find out about "the file", promotions become more clear to them: "that guy's an idiot, why'd he move up?" becomes "ohhhhhh, I get it, now".

If people don't think this creates a Backlash bigger than the original "problem", they are kidding themselves.

Does anybody (white, brown or green) treat people the same when they know someone is put in a job because of skin color or some perceived minority status (to fill a quota) vs. someone who earned the job through the respect of their co-workers and subordinates?

No they don't.

When a Black guy is made the Boss of a bunch of white people, what is the first thing they think?

Why is that?

Wouldn't it be better if the first thing they thought was "We are going to kick some competitor ass now!"
Aw, come on UNGN. Your not supposed to think-let the press and gov. do that for ya! And as far as what to feel-"its all good ".
Yhea right!

Isnt it ironic that minority music was so good when their struggles were so formidable. Now we have angry bs rap at a time when things are vastly better.