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Alky kit ? Winter storage


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May 21, 2017
Good morning guys I recently had market installed and it’s getting to the time of year where we’re going to start getting below freezing temperatures and my car will be stored in a non-climate controlled area so do I need to drain the system and and something like Windshield washer fluid
Just did this.. I googled winterize alky turbobuick and a thread came up with Julio saying to unscrew nozzle from up pipe, place in container, add -20° f blue washer fluid to reservoir, turn up knob to 8, hit test button till blue fluid comes out. That's basically what it says but search for it so you can see his procedure first hand have a good one
I've never done anything for storage in a semi-heated garage, alky system still working fine after 6 winters.
Ya methanol is what gives windshield washer fluid it's antifreeze property. The blue stuff is about half water and half meth for a -20 rating.
The main reason for the system flush before storage is due to the chemical nature of methanol, not because of a freezing concern.
Methanol will dry out the pump seal if not "circulated" and the pump will end up leaking sooner.
If its where you can just start the car maybe weekly and just hit the test button and circulate the Meth , Letting it sit is not good for the pump