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Alky nozzle placement-how far is too far from the TB?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2001
Sorry, title should be how far is too far-can't edit the title!

I have installed 4 or 5 Alky Control systems on turbo Buicks in the past and I have always installed the nozzles about 4" before the TB which is commonly what you see and of course that works great. I am considering mounting the nozzles lower in the FM pipe to the TB which will be ~18" and will have a sweeping 90 turn between the nozzles and TB. I want to mount them below the silicone coupler before the up pipe in the pic. I wanted to see if other have tried this and make sure I am not causing myself potential performance problems over a cosmetic decision. Thanks
Just a hair higher then the tank so it doesn't drain it. The further the better.

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