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Alky Pump Constantly Running


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Then there you have it. You wired the +5 but I bet a dozen doughnuts you didn't wire the ground. This is "your problem".


I followed the instructions exactly per the vortex buick website about getting the map signal power from behind the dash, but they didn't mention anything about wiring a ground. Where do I wire the ground?

P.s. the voltage on the map signal wire, with key in the ON position is 2.63v (you stated the turn voltage is 2.2v), with no cluster installed. My cluster should be back this week.
The alky should have just went into the intake and throttle body, right?

Yep. Then it ran down onto the valves, w/ those open allowing it to continue down the sides of the cyl walls, past the rings...
Gravity's a biatch!:D
I followed the instructions exactly per the vortex buick website about getting the map signal power from behind the dash, but they didn't mention anything about wiring a ground. Where do I wire the ground?

P.s. the voltage on the map signal wire, with key in the ON position is 2.63v (you stated the turn voltage is 2.2v), with no cluster installed. My cluster should be back this week.

MAP sensor plug has three wires. Power, Signal, and Ground. Power(gray) you jumped to 5v, Signal(green) you ran inside the car to the controller, and your last wire .. Black.. guess where the black goes ;)
Yep. Then it ran down onto the valves, w/ those open allowing it to continue down the sides of the cyl walls, past the rings...
Gravity's a biatch!:D

So pretty much, an oil change is due, right? The alky is dangerous while in with oil?
Nice write up Pacecarta, it definitely helps. I have 2 questions: in your #4 post of that thread,
1) you said to see pics....and I didnt see any pics attached to the thread.
2) Where is the white harness that you are referring to when you said this in the #2 post from that same thread?:
"youll need to jump ground from the tps ground (pin D12 Black) to the map ground at the white connector on engine side of harness"
MAP sensor plug has three wires. Power, Signal, and Ground. Power(gray) you jumped to 5v, Signal(green) you ran inside the car to the controller, and your last wire .. Black.. guess where the black goes ;)

So I guess what you are saying is if I would have used the TPS Harness that was supplied with the kit, I would have this problem, right LOL ;)
...P.s. the voltage on the map signal wire, with key in the ON position is 2.63v (you stated the turn voltage is 2.2v), with no cluster installed. My cluster should be back this week.

I thought key on voltage was 1.6V at atmosphere. Is this a 3 bar map? If so, please correct me if I'm wrong.
So I guess what you are saying is if I would have used the TPS Harness that was supplied with the kit, I would have this problem, right LOL ;)
If you had used the harness supplied with the kit.. this thread would never have been started.

That is "The Reason" for that harness to stop the 50 back and forth questions relating to how to wire a 3 bar map sensor.

Love ya man..

If you had used the harness supplied with the kit.. this thread would never have been started.

That is "The Reason" for that harness to stop the 50 back and forth questions relating to how to wire a 3 bar map sensor.

Love ya man..


Yeah, I know. Well, I guess I learned my lesson or at least I can say that I learned a couple lessons, Razor.

I learned something new in the process also. Thanks

Love ya too, man :-)

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
thats the c437 connector from the engine harness to the dash harness , its above the ecm to right of the glove box door ,
white.. clear ....whatever ..its the end that run directly to the map sensor

Ok. Thanks pacecarta!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
new here and not realy racing buicks , sorry bout that
i have a small question : has anyone tried just to pressurize the methanol tank using the turbopressure and sprayed using that pressure and a solenoid
as long as you keep the heightdifference between the alcohol level / tank and the nozzle about the same on all cars its mounted too you should get good consistant results without a pump
the pressure only rises when the turbo comes on so theres hardly any alki sprayed when theres no boost and more when you running 30 psi
the old vw bugs used the tirepressure from the spare tire to do the same thing to the washer bottle

.................. hang on i just thought of sumting .............. if the pressure in the manifold is the same as in the alki tank nutting will happen you still need the pump , you might be getting away with a weaker pump but still