

What's An Intercooler
Staff member
May 26, 2001
who is running alky on there hot-air? just wonder how much it made a difference with it. im guessing its going to be night and day difference since we dont have a intercooler. im guess we will see a much better gain with this then the intercooled guys will. please let me know

im going to be going with alkycontrol very soon
To answer your questions: Iam, alot, yes, and yes!
Alkycontrol is a great choice. Talk to Julio (Razor) and he will take care of you ;)
I personally run an older SMC alcohol kit, when I'm using alcohol. Steve is a great person to deal with as well. Any time you can cool the charge the car is going to run better.
First and foremost the car needs to be tuned. Presently I don't run alcohol, but my car is tuned and I know what kind of horse power it's making and what my air to fuel ratio is. I do turn it on on hot days to cool the charge. My set up is 5 years old(my smc alcohol set up that is)and I know the new ones are designed different. Otherwise I'd send you pics.
Turbo6x2 is 100% correct on the tuning. Alky won't help unless you car is really tuned-such as 128 BLM, .44tps, 20-30IAC. Check out the ALKY section and read RAZOR's comments. Brad

im not new to hotairs and i have read all of razor posts.i know i need to have the car in a good state of tune prior to putting alky on the car. i have had a hotair car for the last 10 years so i know alot about them.
That comment was more for anyone reading the post. I know of a few who think throwing on something like alcohol is all they need to do. Just wanted to clarify. I know you have had your car for a long time now.

Turbo6x2 is 100% correct on the tuning. Alky won't help unless you car is really tuned-such as 128 BLM, .44tps, 20-30IAC. Check out the ALKY section and read RAZOR's comments. Brad

I was refering to this post as it seemed like i didnt know that but its all good.