We are in the preliminary stages of putting together a Buick event at the new track south of Dallas on i45 in Ferris Tx.
It is an eighth mile venue. Very nice.
Ken White is going to contact the track and see about a date. Will post updates as things get solidified.
JR Wills messaged me with several great suggestions and at this point we are looking at a Buick event as opposed to a brand x type deal.
A quick eight or possibly quick 16 if the turn out is large enough. Would need some sponsors I would think to attract the heavy hitters so if you know a business or what not that would be willing to help with that an introduction would be great.
Also some classes suggestions were thrown out but more are great.
If you know Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and other outlying areas please direct them over to the thread so we can get the input to have a successful activity.
Thanks yall. Looking toward to seeing everyone and meeting those we haven't yet. Even if your car isn't finished, bring it out. It should be a great time!