thanks for all the good advise guys,that is except 4 the "sell the car & invest in grammer lessons" advise.thanks, we gona pass on that 1.i dont have alot of spare time,thats why you wont hear anything from us on a daily basis,& im not trying to befriend anyone here,but that was kinda rude.i dont need any e & the kid are just trying to bring back a tr to hit the shows with,& an occasional hole shot here & there,when conditions are rite,& its safe to do so...i dont want the kid pickin up any poor driving decisions,or dialect, from the old man.and when i say hit the shows,i mean drive the car to events,to see every bodys rides, & hang out,not to enter the show to get a little plastic trophy.we just want to have some fun, with the little bit of time we have left together & dont need any hassles,so thanks again for all the GOOD advise & keep the shiny side up n the grimy side down.