Arguing over breakout rules is NOT the answer.
I have been to the event the past 9 years and competed 7 times. I'm 5 and 2 counting this years retarded issue with my car, otherwise I had their SANDBAGGER covered. I rarely track race my car these days although I have through the years probably made 2000 passes in various cars. I will straight up admit to running late at night for "pride" on a deserted road somewhere.
What I see killing us right now, and it pains me to admit it, is two problems:
1 The Ford guys are better racers. Yep you heard it. On average they are younger and I'd wager, spend more time at the track with their cars or running them for money on the streets. Something alot of the more "mature" in the Buick community do not do. By the time they get to Noble they are very familiar with what their car needs to run well and have the seat time to drive it to it's potential. That, and what comes with being a regular racer of their cars is that killer attitude of "Want to win." These guys have something to prove. It may be a "fun" race when tooling around in the pits but I KNOW groups of Ford guys get together and talk about how they are gonna whip our asses... and they are serious about it.
2 Team spirit. this kinda fall salong the lines of "want to win" but different. I notice a sense of fun and comraderie among the Buick guys. I love this about our community, but I also see it as our downfall. More and more I've noticed that alot of the people that come to this event take almost a recreational attitude about it. It's more about hanging with buddies than it is smacking around some Fords. This is a failing. First and foremost guys, this is a race. I think if more guys got serious about the race part of it, THEN had fun with buddies, we'd do alot better. The Ford guys are winning right now because they CARE MORE TO WIN than we do. If we made this about beating the Stangs for our pride I guarantee you we'd get a stronger field involved. I think alot of the fast guys see how casual most are about this race and figure it's no big deal, why bother towing out to run.
Until we decide we want to beat those Fords and campaign for a team that can do it, we WILL lose since there are 100 fast Fords to every Buick out there. I always have a good time when I go, win or lose.....but I hate losing and even with minimal voltage to my system, I drilled the spray in second gear to try and run down a 9.50 car, even if it meant replacing the pistons in the motor. Lets try and get fired up for next year early, and roll down there and take them out. I know I will be there again, faster and stronger since I have Buick pride and won't make excuses or rules to help me feel better for why we lost.