All Phx Az Buick Come On Down To Cruise Night In Gilbert


yea i know what you meen i am banking on it just being overcast if its raining it will be postponed till next month (every first sat of the month). but if its clear its a green light we already have all the goody bags and free food ready to rock but we will see AZ rain usually blows over during the day:cool: and if you want to be extra sure call the number on the flier thats me;)
You did a terrific job getting everything coordinated and getting the sponsors together Ed! It Was a fantastic turnout, I'd say more than 80 cars!! Not a single TR:( Weather seems like it missed Phoenix and headed right for albuquerque, wind woke me up today blowing over 40mph
The forecast was for rain...even the black clouds looked like they were coming around 4:00 or so...just lucky that the rain stayed to the West...I thought it was going hit us for sure...that's why didn't is this going to happen every month?...or was it a one time thing?