All WOT shifts flaring


Feb 28, 2004
Last weekend I installed a new 3200 Yank in my GN, replaced the filter, and filled it up with type-F fluid. It initially had a "whine" to it at higher RPM, but that faded over the course of the week. I put about 130 miles on it and took it to the track, the car ran OK and shifted OK. Later last night while out doing the "stoplight Grand Prix" I noticed that all of the shifts were Flaring and the motor was bouncing off of the rev limiter. This morning I went out and checked the fluid level and found it to be about 3/4 of the way to the full mark cold, and almost full when hot. Last time I checked it was just below the first bend in the dipstick. I overfilled it back to the first bend in the dipstick and went out for a ride, still flaring.:mad: I played with the TV settings and noticed no significant improvement. Part throttle shifts are crisp and firm, it only flares at WOT.

I researched the archives a little and it seems everyone wants pressure readings to diagnose problems, good policy. The pressure readings I recorded are as follows:

P: min-115 max-250
R:min-205 max-275
n:min-115 max-245
OD:min-115 max-250
D:min-115 max-245
2:min-235 max-245
1:min-235 max-235

Any helpful advice or further recommended troubleshooting/corrective actions are appreciated.

pressures are ok but they wont matter if the friction materials are worn.what is the pressure drop during the flaring?
The weather hasn't been cooperative enough to do a road test since I hooked up the test gauge. I'm hoping later tonight I will get a chance to check it out.

The trans was rebuilt no more than 12K miles ago by a local guy who does tranny rebuilds for some low 10/high 9 second cars. He is pretty reputable, and my buildup was supposed to be good for mid 10's. (Though the car never went faster than 12.0 on pump gas). It is my belief that a tranny should last more than 12K miles with as little racing as I have done, and most of the miles were cruising on the highway. Is there something I could have done wrong with the tranny, or is this about the life expectancy for a 2004R?

Assuming that the friction materials are all wasted and only replacing the wear items: (I know it's unsafe to assume but...)
What do you charge for a rebuild?
How long can I expect it to last with street driving and very little track time?
How long do you need to perform repairs?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these posts.


I just happen to read the "sticky" post prohibiting price quotes, sorry. :eek:
Can I call or email you for a guesstimate?
More questions

I checked out the CK Performance website today and saw that you guys sell rebuild kits. I have a couple of questions though:
Are the kits available to everyone?
How difficult is it for the layman to install?
Are special tools or guages required for rebuild?
Do the kits include any directions, or is it assumed that the purchaser is knowledgeable in tranny rebuids?

I'm trying to avoid a repeated "low life expectancy" rebuild, but don't want to pay someone to do a job that I can perform myself. I also don't want to attempt something that is over my head. I've assembled my engine, do all of the wrenching on the Buick myself, and I used to be an F-16 mechanic when I was in the USAF. I'm just ignorant and a little intimidated by automatic transmissions.


I dumped another 1/2 a quart of type F in the tranny and the problem went away. What a dip$hit. Oh well, live and learn. I just wonder how much I shortened the life of the tranny.
