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Amg C32 and my E85 Driver


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Just Another BLACK Car
Jul 29, 2001
Historically I've always had trouble to get anyone to bite especially when I was driving the Black car. Most people around here either know what it is or they are not sure and that in itself is enough to make them think twice. Enter the White car, my daily driver which is pretty much all stock except for a Translator/LT1 maf, cold air intake, ATR crossflow exhaust and an ATR stock replacement DP. This same car now runs on E-85 with 83# injectors and a TT chip. A sleeper by most accounts.

I've had this car for 2 years now with little or no action but it reality that suits me cause I mean we are talking about the street here..... until the last 2 weeks..LOL lets see a 2006 C6, a Lotus Elise and a Civic Hatch with the B22 upgrade. And now an AMG C32 this morning on the way to work.

I consider the AMG special because of what happened after .Ok so I see this car pacing me, its black, I know its a Mercedes from the headlights. Seriously this guy is on my ass and so we come to a double turning lane where he is again behind me waiting for the turn. Light goes green we turn left and I speed off a little to get him off my ass where I notice his headlights raise up so I get back in it ( around 30 mph ) and put 4 cars on him and pretty much he stays there. I'm not pulling away and he is not gaining. Ok this goes on until about 120 where I get out cause a corner is coming up and really what is the use, he wasn't going to catch me. Of course he flys by then slows down to pace besides me again and then of course hits it again and off he goes driving like a bat out of hell. I just do the speed limit ( cops like this area in the mornings ) and catch up to him at a light a few miles up and we start talking:

Him: Dude you got the jump on me and you weren't pulling away.
Me: Uh was this before or after the 4 car lengths I put on you, anyway I got in it out of it and then back in it :-)
Him: Well you couldn't pull away.
Me: Ok
Him: I would have caught you
Me: You think so.... If we had went from a stop I would have pulled you more.
Him: Is that a stock turbo
Me: Yes
Him: There is no way you would pull me from a stop, I'd run off cause you would run out of turbo. I had a Grand National in high school, my Dad was a Buick dealer and I know that there is no way you can be over 100hp over the 230hp it cam from the factory with. That car is not even a Grand National or a GNX :rolleyes:
Me : I think you need to check on the standard TRs. Plenty of guys with stock turbos going 11s. Most were actually faster than the Grand Nationals stock for stock.
Him: No way your wrong ...thats a 3700 LB car there is no way, you must have a 4.56 gear in it, and its not even the same motor as the Grand National :rolleyes:
Me: Laughing at this point. Looks like you've got this all figured out. This car is running higher boost and E-85 and I have the stock 3.42 gear in it
Him: E-85?? ( Extremely confused look on his face ) No way... you must have a lower gear in that thing Anyway I would have killed you from a stop.
Me: Hey thats an expensive car you've got there, AMGs are great. My car isn't even 10 thousand dollar car plus its over 20 years old now. ( I think this pissed him off )
Him: Your just a Hillbilly, go back to the woods ...rolls his window up and speeds off

LOL... Ok I'm glad he knew more than I did.. He really put me in my place. I didn't realize that my car had a different motor than a GN and that it wasn't a Grand National. I'll have to go home and look at the GN and make sure. Yeah I'm hillbilly but I live in the same neighborhood he does so what does that make him. I live in a nice neighborhood out here by the lake called Lakaway but in the duplex area. Ok I'm a hillbilly then...:bigrin:

This is one of those rich guys that got everything in high school I'm sure. You know probably a lawyer or something. Lakeway is a small town so I'm sure we'll meet again. :wink:
Some people just won't allow themselves to be edjamacated!

Next time you see him tell him to put his money where his mouth is and take it to the track so there are no excuses...11's are not unheard of with a stock turbo full weight car with the new E85 and alky..........Bob
This story, though it made me happy to see that you won, really ticked me off at the same time.

That's all I've been hearing from people.
"Your car is nothing but a hill-billy's car."

Like... What?!

Somebody actually told me while I was in one of my classes the other day, "Your T isn't as fast as a GN. And a GN isn't as fast as my Jetta, so you can't beat me either way."

Like... Are you serious? I'm not one much for racing... (Not until I go quicker anyway) But still, you can't sit there and underestimate the T-Type's simply because they are not Grand Nationals. When it really gets down to brass tacks, Grand National's are nothing but T-Type's that were painted black. Like... What's up with these people?

Sorta ticks me off that he called you a hillbilly and it ticks me off about his ignorance. Not only that, he reminds me of what most of these high school guys grow up to be when they don't get educated on these Buick Beasts. :)
E85 is an alcohol fuel mixture that typically contains a mixture of up to 85% denatured fuel ethanol and gasoline
Sorta ticks me off that he called you a hillbilly and it ticks me off about his ignorance. Not only that, he reminds me of what most of these high school guys grow up to be when they don't get educated on these Buick Beasts. :)

I've run into this before ( minus the hillbilly part ) with people that have no idea what the car is. In fact, I actually expect it most of the time. Most assume a the Black GN was it for Turbo Buick cars or even consider GN and GNX the same car. But this guy said he owned a GN and proved he knew nothing about these cars. It amazed me how ignorant he really was.

Its been my experience with (MOST) people that own prosches, BMWs, Mercedes and the like are really not car people at all, thats really ok because I really don't expect them to be.

Anyway I'm looking for the drag radials as we speak :biggrin:

That was what someone told me at school.
"You should build your T-Type into a GNX clone."

Like... The GNX is cool and all. But there's no way I would tear down my car and turn it into a GNX. It's a T-TYPE! Not a GNX or a Grand National. There's no difference, outside of the freakin' name.

Quite an annoying group of people out there that no nothing about these cars.

Someone else I said I should paint it black like the GN. I looked at em' and said, "Do you know why T-Type's are different?"

The reply was, "They're slower?"


I can't wait to just swap in the intercooled motor. I gotta get some IC power running through this ol' thing and put the SMACK down on these suckers.
I hate snobs in mercades, bmw's, and lexus's................damn i wish I had the money for one;) j/k

Great Story and Love to whoop up on preppy types or mainly snobs. LOVE IT