Annoying noise in the dash!


Active Member
Mar 5, 2007
I am desperate to know if anyone has had the same problem. My brother had an '86 Monte SS that did the same thing. It seems that somewhere in the dash when I hit a bump or the suspension travel is minimal that a high pitch rattle and squeaking nice comes out from the middle dash area. Has anyone had this problem or know how they remedied it?
The noise is hard to describe, it almost sounds like a metal and plastic piece hitting each other. It sounds like a loud rattle with a screaching noise and it sounds like it is right behind the gauges. It happens more so when it is a cold day! It isn't constant, only when I roll over something (i.e. railroad track, lane divider bumps, etc.)
Once in a while I hear a squeaky rattle type sound from my dash too, wonder if it's the same thing you're hearing.
Lube the center hood support rubber stop thingy......... (for lack of a better technical term!) :D
This is an old problem that's been on the boards for years. Here is the fix:

The rubber threaded snubber on the firewall in the center rear of the hood...put a blob of grease on it, and your noise will magically go away.
I had the same problem and posted about it. A little bit a grease and I had my sanity back again.
It sounds more like a Mallard than a chirp, chirp so I hope the hood bumper with a little grease fixes it. All you guys are the coolest guys in my opinion!
Ill put 10 bux on the hood bushing :) As a matter of fact I heard the same noise in my WE4 the other day (20 degrees here) and after seeing this thread, I just went out into the garage and lubed mine up! LOL:eek: Thanks for the reminder!
I have the same noise on my GN, haven't had the car very long. I've been under dash and all over looking for possible problem. I figured it was coming from the windshield or some type of window trim. I'll give the grease a try, man this would be to easy...John
Same here, I figured it was under the dash or maybe part of the steering column, and it only happens when you hit a bump or something, and seems to be more noticable when cold.

I'm definitely gonna slather some vaseline on there next time I've got the car out from under the cover.
If you happen to be out and about when the noise crops up and you're not near your grease, pull the dipstick out and wipe a little oil on that stopper. Instant relief. :)