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Another Detent Question


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Mar 20, 2008
I recently upgraded and rebuilt my Transmission according to CK's book. I have a couple questions now that I've put 300 miles on it. I used ART Carr's shift seems to whack the gears in, so I adjusted the detent a good 5-6 clicks toward the Throttle body from my original adjustment procedure. It seems to shift much better (doesn't chirp the tires at 10% throttle anymore) now. Is this ok to do? I always here horror stories about the detent cable adjustment. It still shifts pretty darn hard.
The second issue is that sometimes it seems to take 3-4 seconds for Drive to engage when shifting into D. Is this something I should worry about, or normal?
I can't offer any help, but I am curious as to what people say about your shift into drive as mine seems to shift into drive ~somewhat~ firmly (not quite as aggressively as 1-2 and even the D-OD shifts) but tends to be awfully slow to fully 'engage' in Drive. I notice the RPMs drop about 400-500 RPMs about 3-4 seconds after the 2nd to Drive transition. This happens no matter how heavy or light I am on the throttle.
Is what I am explaining seem to be the same issue you are having? My transmission is a Street/Strip 2004R that was built by CK Performance and I am curious as to wether or not this is a common characteristic of a performance built 2004R transmission (maybe it is intentionally done this way for some reason(?) although it alarms me since neither of the 2 stock 2004R transmissions I have ran before did this).
I notice that sometimes right after the D-OD shift the trans seems to 'flare'(?) for a second (seems to act as if the trans is shifted into Neutral for a fraction of a second) but it doesn't always do this.
I've given Chris my no TV/full TV pressure readings and even what I have as far as pressure once the TV is hooked up and he said they are good.
Anyone...shifts great at 5 clicks toward the throttlebody beyond the normal WOT setup procedure
FWIW, from everything I have been told, you should have close to full TV pressure during WOT shifts so you will have to hook up a gauge and check what you pressures are to be 100% sure. If you have the car in park and idle set between 1000-1200 rpms, you can unhook the TV cable from the carb and pull it fully by hand to see what your max TV pressure reading is. This is the same pressure (or close to it) that you should see while driving with gauge hooked up and under WOT shifts.
Sorry if my rambling in my first post seemed to derail your thread, but I am still curious if what I explained is the same thing you are noticing on your 2-3 shift(?)