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Another fusible link question.


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Jan 8, 2008
How many fusible links do we have and what do they control? Iv got to get my sheet straightened out and the only way now is to find out how many and what they do. I ran the links up to a fuse box but ran each link wire individually (for example the fan link wires are supposed to be together).Anyways i want to get these wires labeled and the right size fuses in the the panel, so if anyone knows or has a schematic on what controls what id appreciate it.

Thanks for the link very useful site, but i didnt really find much on there for what im looking for.
I'll try and remember to get out my factory manuel and see if the info is in it. The info might be on
gnttype has wiring diagrams they are just hard to read. Thanks BlackBandit.
Ok i found this schematic doing some searching. Basically it looks to me like 1 link(e) controls the fan. Then link (b) basically controls you light/dimmers. Link (j) controls ecm. and link (a) i cannot figure out except for blower motor?

also it looks like these all tap off one wire coming from the starter.?
The large positive comes from the starter and all those links are in the other smaller wires that go off of that post.
Am i somewhat correct in where they go and what they control? iI know it says it on the schematic but i want to be sure im not missing something. Still not sure what link(a) controls.

Now to figure out what size fuses for these items.
Link "a" appears to go to another page. You have to find that page to figure that out. The easiest thing to do may be to just get a fusible link that is the correct size for the conductor. Basically, if you had 14 gauge wire by the starter that you extended to a fuse box then get a fusible link for 14 gauge wire and put it in there and get rid of the fuse. Fusible links aren't really suppose to protect a circuit from anything other that an severe overload condition anyway.
I talked with caspers electronics and in a nutshell i have to go back to links. Fuses cant handle the load and are designed to open with a little bit of current where fusible links are designed not to.

Oh well time to save up for the relocation kit

Isnt it nice thought i was taking a step foward doing it myself but instead took a step back:mad:
Until you save up for the kit use a slo-blo fuse.

They also have reasonably priced fusible links at most parts stores shelves in the electrical connector section you could swap in temporarily.

Fusible link A runs the high speed on the fan and the other wire going off the page runs most of the cars electronics through most of the fuses.
Ok till i save up for caspers unit i want to put fusible links back where they belong(just not down low since i have wires ran up already) Anyways since all wires are cut going to the fuse panel how do i cut off the female ends that go into the fuse panel and add fusible links.