Another Mustake

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New Member
Jan 2, 2002
I rolled into the local Mcdonalds like last summer and there were a lot of kool cars but no parking space so i rolled on through getting all kinds of looks :cool: but just as i was pulling out i came upon a Mustake so i had to rev at him and try to get him to run and everyone laughed at him as he decided it was a better idea to back out onto the street and park his Rustang im sure he never heard the end of that one
i hear there is a very very fast 7second :eek: (maybe) GN with like $10,000 into it with all kinds of crazy mods i havent seen it yet though so i dunno if its true ill let ya know when the nice weather comes around again and they start the drives again

Another Story
One night i was cruising around looking for a race and i heard something loud and healthy come up a regal!? he looks at me and asks if its a gn (i have no emblems on her theyre on my bookshelf) i said maybe and he laughs and revs so i rev it for em too and when the light goes were off im taking him like crazy until some dummy pulls out in front of me to make a turn so i had to shut her down almost not in time but boy did i have him so anyway he drives around the corner and i try to find him it took a while but i found him on a nice little strip by the local park so i pull up next to him and say whuts up and he says wanna run again so i said sure as hell do (this road is wide enough that i got no problems except getting the tires to hookup) so i did a quick lil burnout to clean em and heat em up and we line up we agree his chick will yell go so i hold my linelock and build a lil boost she yells go and im GONE by the time i blinked i had a car on em took a few more and shut her down pulled over and he got out and was like damn well it sure is a GN i just laughed and he wanted to look under the hood i agreed as long as he let me look under his he drooled over mine and then we took a look at his it was a nice setup olds engine big old carb headers & straight through exhaust pretty sweet but nothing compared to a GN so after a little BSing we just said our goodbye's and were off i would like to find him again soon he was a kool guy

Hope the stories werent boring or dumb compared to some you guys got they may be
but anyhow thanks fer reading
Originally posted by MELOVEGN
a very very fast 7second :eek: (maybe) GN with like $10,000 into it with all kinds of crazy mods

Dude, it takes a lil more than just 10 G's to get a GN to run 7's.

Nice kill on that other Buick :cool: .

No Flames or anything, but how about a PERIOD or two here and their :cool: .
Originally posted by stroked347
so you never raced the mustake? 10,000 to go 7's, i hope thats the 8th

A BIG turbo, BIG intercooler, aluminum heads, cam, exhaust, converter, and a whole lotta nitrous. Maybe it will go 7s - once.
HAHA ok sorry about the periods. I always got in trouble for puctuation in school. And like i said i heard about the 7 second GN and im not sure how much it cost or if its true. And nope i havent run that Mustank yet. I have taken more than my fair share of em though just nothing funny about them, Same old story (blew em away) :) sorry if that sounds cocky i just have a ford grudge after some dumb 16 year old girl ran a stop sign and hurt my car. (it was a tempo not much left of it) but the gn is all better now all fixed up and in the shop getting freshened. (changing most gaskets, rebuilding the tranny, new alarm w\page alert, new antenna, new air lines for the shocks, among a ton of other stuff but she will be healthy and happy when i get her back very soon i:) )
anyway i'm getting long winded i will keep you guys posted.
I am also starting some mods and stuff soon me and a friend of mine that i went to school with (who also owns a gn) are gunna be wrenching on em, and im sure we'll be stirring up some races here and there

and for all you guys so concerned with my punctuation .................................................... heehee just kidding
Thanks for the warm welcome :)
Originally posted by lyonsd

A BIG turbo, BIG intercooler, aluminum heads, cam, exhaust, converter, and a whole lotta nitrous. Maybe it will go 7s - once.

HAHA yea
Originally posted by MELOVEGN
i just have a ford grudge after some dumb 16 year old girl ran a stop sign and hurt my car. (it was a tempo not much left of it)

I don't think it was Ford's fault. Why don't you hold a grudge against 16 year old girls instead?
thats true too but ive always been raised in a non-ford house and you know how it goes, theyre just pieces of crap in my humble opinion
You guys gotta take it easy on us poor, lowly mustang guys. We're too stupid to know better.

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! me tries not to fall for flame screw it: What is it that is so crappy about Fords? Seriously.

I just don't see how a turbo Buick owner can call Ford's in general pieces of crap. Build quality, looks, performance? I don't think any buick outdoes Ford in any of these catergories. The only thng a GN has, is exclusivity. The funny thing about that is they are always mistaken for "just another monte".

I think they are cool as hell, but you diehard, tb guys are hillarious with these circle jerk parties!

BTW. Here is a cool video link I saw on Supraforums. Is that Dutweiler's car? on leno.mpg

Originally posted by MELOVEGN
thats true too but ive always been raised in a non-ford trailer park and you know how it goes, theyre just pieces of crap in my redneck opinion
Everyone thank (W)eggie

Everyone thank (W)eggie i mean reggie for displaying how most ford(mustake) owners act (Childish)stinky poo head LOL
And yes ill get a lil childish too just to amuse myself
And by the way reggie i live in NYC you dumb POS how am i going to be a redneck (YOU RETARD)
now onto the reason FORDS SUCK i have to quote Turbojorge F**D MUS***G: 38 Years and... they... still...... Suck!
keep trying losers

(GENERALIZATION)fords &(mustangs) fall apart, are slow and ugly(my opinion and lots of others)

Build quality SUX they fall apart(RUSTANG)
looks Personal Opinion
performance Yeah ok compare a mustink to a GN HAHAHAHA
Re: Everyone thank (W)eggie

Want a tissue?

Since you can't provide any facts with your witless attack, I will address some of your mindless drivel:

Build quality: I have owned 5 Mustangs (3 with over 100K miles) and I have not had any signifigant build quality problems or "falling apart". The ashtray lid always breaks, and the stock alternators seem to be subpar, but other than that, no biggies. I have also owned a GN, and it did more rattling than a pit of rattlesnakes. Not to mention leaky t-tops, exessive vinyl warp, and famous GM paint fade. My current "rustang" has over 200,000 miles on the stock shortblock and is still kickin ass.

Looks: You are right about personal tastes, but I'd dare you to ask any chick or guy (since that's prolly what you prefer) what looks better, a Mustang GT or a Grandma National. Don't even think about Saleen.

Performance: Don't even get me started!

Oh, nice creative put down (Weggie). Ohh...that hurts....

Originally posted by MELOVEGN
Everyone thank (W)eggie i mean reggie for displaying how most ford(mustake) owners act (Childish)stinky poo head LOL
And yes ill get a lil childish too just to amuse myself
And by the way reggie i live in NYC you dumb POS how am i going to be a redneck (YOU RETARD)
now onto the reason FORDS SUCK i have to quote Turbojorge F**D MUS***G: 38 Years and... they... still...... Suck!
keep trying losers

(GENERALIZATION)fords &(mustangs) fall apart, are slow and ugly(my opinion and lots of others)

Build quality SUX they fall apart(RUSTANG)
looks Personal Opinion
performance Yeah ok compare a mustink to a GN HAHAHAHA
Weggie, I mean Reggie...

"Performance: Don't even get me started!"

Why?:confused: To get a 5.0 stang to run mid 12's to high 11's without spray u have to open the motor and do heads/cam/intake, but with a turbo buick it's pretty damn easy to run 11's with just bolt on mods and a lot less money spent! Hell there have been guys with turbo buicks that have run low 11's to high 10's with only bolt ons and again no spray:eek: IMHO, it's a lot harder to make a 5.0 mustang into a fast car (12's, 11's, 10's, etc.) for the simple fact that you'll have to add a real power adder (turbo or supercharger, not spray) and if u want it to last you'll have to build the bottom end which cost more $$$. Keep in mind I know plenty of guys with stangs and I know what they spent to make their cars fast without having to worry about blowing it up, so don't try and BS me:D BTW, if you'd like to learn more about these amazing cars please feel free to check out or go to to see why Fords and Stangs suck!:p

Oh yeah, Build quality: You say you've owned a GN and it had all these problems (I haven't experienced any of these problems u have), but IMHO any car will have those problems u listed if not taken care of properly, so for u to say a mustang is better build quality wise is a joke! About the only good thing a mustang has is the factory rear (which the GN also has a strong factory rear end). My buddies supercharged stang is an auto and let me just say the factory tranny is a POS! His car is making about 520hp to the rear wheels and he's blown up a sh!t load of trannies and finally he decided to put a TH400 behind all that power and now he doesn't have to worry about rebuilding trannies anymore.

Looks: First off, much like somebody already said that's personal preferance, but since u decided to give us your opinion I'll give u mine. I get many people giving me complements on my GN cause much like I think many people look at a GN and think it's the meanest looking car ever built!!! All black with a buldging hood looks pretty damn good IMO, and a lot better looking than a car (mustang) which I see everywhere I go. I like being different and not driving a car that everybody and their mother has owned! This arguement of mustangs vs TRs can go on and on cause a lot of it is opinion or what u think is fact and I've based many of my facts and opinions on what I've seen with my own two eyes rather than what I've heard much like a lot of guys with GNs have, so I doubt u will convince many that Fords and mustangs are any better and that they're not POS. We have a lot of guys on this BB that own both and a ton of guys that came over from the Ford camp with V8s to the DARK SIDE with a little turbo V6!!! If u get easily pissed off when somebody says "rustang" or that Fords are junk u are on the wrong BB IMHO and u should just let people voice their opinions without having to hear your BS about how great Fords and mustangs are all the time!!! If u don't like anything I said please remember that this is and not! :cool: :) If I pissed anybody off I suggest u go to to make yourself feel better about owning a mustang or Ford!
Rustangs Plz

I here ya man...Rustangs need to quit. Those Damn POS..I bought my GN and not even having been properly tuned and running poorly I've fucced up GT's all the time....It's about to be released from the performance shop with all the goodies having been added and I will just have a ball. Also I can't wait to blow the ears off these arrogant corvette owners either....Mid 12's is where I am now and few more mod's and 11's are within reach no doubt.

Existing mod's include TH downpipe, ATR Pit-bull dual exhaust, 160 Thermo, 42IB injectors, Red Fuel Pump, Red Chip, Rebuilt STOCK Turbo and 2004R Tranny, Stainless Steel Cross-over bar, Airbag, Posi Rear, Auto-lites and racing wires...

To all Ho-stang Owners: Why did the Grand National only come in Black?

Answer: Cuz Black is the color the Grand National wears to the "Rustangs" funeral!! :D :D

first i want to thank you guys for coming to my aid especially you 86brick a lot of great points there
and nice one todd (black)
thanks guys

No problem man, I'm always happy to give my 2 cents when it comes to this topic cause the stang guys always have to step in and start their usual BS about how great mustangs and Fords are and it just makes me laugh:D The GN/Ttype/TTA are a special breed of cars IMHO and to mention the mustakes in the same sense is a joke! If I ever wanted a V8 I'd get a SBC which much like our Buicks is always ahead of the FORDs *Fixed Or Repaired Daily* *Found On Road Dead*;)
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