Another stumble upon acceleration with a TR6 ignition module

never saw an email. then I checked back here.

how are your switches set in the unit?

Hi Bob

If you look at my sketch it has #4 and #6 switches set to on. All others are off on the config side.

Main rev 7000

2 step 3100
how are the config switches set?

the trig light turns on when you click the trigger switch, and flashes when it is limiting RPM.
correct, however the instructions also state this

"If the Invert Trigger switch is ON, then the trigger is activated when there is NO voltage applied to the Trig input. The Config- 1 switch can be used to supply “Pullup Voltage” to the trigger input so that “Grounding” the trigger input will activate it"

So config 3? or 1? or...?????
drove tonight, just a quick run about to make sure boost control is working....didnt have the stumble, so configuration 3 appears to be the correct config, not 1