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Another WRX Sti


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gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
Picked up my son from football practice last week...gawd he's getting big...14 years old and already 6' 1" and 195 lbs....strong like bull too....just like Dad...
:tongue: we sat at a light after we left the parking lot, one of his team mates pulls up next to us with his Uncle driving a fart canned WRX Sti...

As we pulled away from the light, niether of us was "on it" but we both were trying to out pace each other...I could tell he had no clue what was next to him, cuz he had a confused look on his face as he kept glancing over in response to that jet engine sound the black granny car was making.

So he give it more gas....and so do I....what were you expecting...really....:biggrin:

He went WOT...and so did I....really....what were you expecting....:biggrin:
I completely shredded him.

Next light he pulls up...he has a hurt looking grin on his face but wouldn't look over...his head tilted to one side...nodding as he looked straight ahead anticpiating I guess that he'd take me from a dig...
...and my sons team mate is grinning hear to ear as is my son.

Light turned green and he takes off....and so did I....:biggrin:

With tires spinning I go blasting around him, got up a few lengths and then let off.

Yesterday the kid comments to me when he see's me at the football practice.
Him: Good race....your car is awesome!!!
Me: You liked that, did you?
Him: Ya...that was Uncle says your car is wicked fast.
Me: Ya....did he know what it was?
Him: No...he said it looks like crap tho'.:redface:
Me: Really?:rolleyes: Good....the illusion worked then....cuz it made his Subi look like the piece of crap.
Him: laughing....:biggrin:
Him: No...he said it looks like crap tho'.:redface:
Me: Really?:rolleyes: Good....the illusion worked then....cuz it made his Subi look like the piece of crap.
Him: laughing....:biggrin:

LMF'ingAO Awesome Kill.

Good size kid for 14. iirc I was about 6'1 180 at that age. I'm a slim 6'4 250 now:biggrin:
Nice job as always. I got 2 guys at work that drive those things that need to be straightened out. I turned her up to 23lbs so I think I'm ready.

What position does your boy play??
Is it just me or is there somthing just not right about street racing with your 14 year old son in the car? Why not just keep it onthe track? :confused:
I cant stand retards who have no idea what a GN is or how fast they are..I mean serisouly i ve known about them since i was 12
Is it just me or is there somthing just not right about street racing with your 14 year old son in the car? Why not just keep it onthe track? :confused:

must be you. driving on any street in America is dangerous street racing or not...
Nice job as always. I got 2 guys at work that drive those things that need to be straightened out. I turned her up to 23lbs so I think I'm ready.

What position does your boy play??

He plays OT and DT...sometimes DE...They like to move him around a lot because he pretty much flattens anything in front of him. He's not the biggest kid out there, but he's one of the biggest, and he's strong like bull...watched him push a 250pound kid all over the field last season....completely manhandled the guy and even pancaked him once.

Is it just me or is there somthing just not right about street racing with your 14 year old son in the car? Why not just keep it onthe track? :confused:'s not just you...I actually fully agree with your POV...and fully accept it when non-sinners throw stones at me for being a sinner.

If it helps....I never exceeded 65mph in a 55mph zone on a wide open street where people normally cruise along at 60-65mph...while completing the killing....

At 6' 1" and 195lbs....He's physically bigger than most adults...and has a real good head on his shoulders...

...and if the concern is that I'm setting a bad example for him...well...I can honestly say that my father....the former Western US District Chairman for a large church was the best example I could have ever asked for...never even thought about exceeding the speed limit with me in the car....look how I turned out.:cool:

I had 13 tickets, 7 accidents and a license suspension on my record before my 18th birthday...I blame it on pent up need for speed brought on by my fathers full compliance to the speed limit while I sat...crying... in the rear facing tailgate seat of the station wagon and watched all the road ragers behind us wagging their fingers and honking their horns on those long summer road trips while dad crusied along singing "Rock of Ages" ...not the Def Leppard hadn't been released yet...

I did talk to the boy...explained how I shouldn't have done that....tell him that if he ever gets a speeding ticket, I'm taking his car away and letting him make the insurance payments if he wants to continue to drive after I decide to give the car back...he knows I mean it...
Also talked to him about the "Ricer" methodology of weaving through traffic and around corners at high speed...deadly...don't want to be planting any crosses for him or other peoples kids on the roadside, etc.etc.etc.

I know none of this changes the fact that you're response to further judgements...I'll defer to a higher authority...

John 8:7
When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone..."
I must be worse then... Had wife and both kids in the back :) First one to 55 wins right? lol ... I remember the the days of Dad's ol 69 Nova first one to the next red light wins?
I must be worse then... Had wife and both kids in the back :) First one to 55 wins right? lol ... I remember the the days of Dad's ol 69 Nova first one to the next red light wins?

Did that once....but my wife has a wicked back hand and gave me five across the eye's for it..won't be doing that again....:redface:
Did that once....but my wife has a wicked back hand and gave me five across the eye's for it..won't be doing that again....:redface:

Wow, that sounds so familiar. I goosed it the other day and broke the tires loose at 30 mph and she flipped out bad. "I hate this car! This car is going to cause our divorce!" Yep. Thats what she said.'s not just you...I actually fully agree with your POV...and fully accept it when non-sinners throw stones at me for being a sinner.

If it helps....I never exceeded 65mph in a 55mph zone on a wide open street where people normally cruise along at 60-65mph...while completing the killing....

At 6' 1" and 195lbs....He's physically bigger than most adults...and has a real good head on his shoulders...

...and if the concern is that I'm setting a bad example for him...well...I can honestly say that my father....the former Western US District Chairman for a large church was the best example I could have ever asked for...never even thought about exceeding the speed limit with me in the car....look how I turned out.:cool:

I had 13 tickets, 7 accidents and a license suspension on my record before my 18th birthday...I blame it on pent up need for speed brought on by my fathers full compliance to the speed limit while I sat...crying... in the rear facing tailgate seat of the station wagon and watched all the road ragers behind us wagging their fingers and honking their horns on those long summer road trips while dad crusied along singing "Rock of Ages" ...not the Def Leppard hadn't been released yet...

I did talk to the boy...explained how I shouldn't have done that....tell him that if he ever gets a speeding ticket, I'm taking his car away and letting him make the insurance payments if he wants to continue to drive after I decide to give the car back...he knows I mean it...
Also talked to him about the "Ricer" methodology of weaving through traffic and around corners at high speed...deadly...don't want to be planting any crosses for him or other peoples kids on the roadside, etc.etc.etc.

I know none of this changes the fact that you're response to further judgements...I'll defer to a higher authority...

John 8:7
When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone..."[/QUOTE]

Hold on now.....I wasn't trying to judge anyone. Sorry if i came off that way for there is no one on this earth that can do that. There is only ONE JUDGE and HE will tell us when the day comes if what we did was right or wrong. Until then, I'll keep making comments on forums like this and let people know when I think things are peculiar. No hard feelings I hope. You sound like a great father (except for the street racing with your kid in the car part) ;) Just kidding, but I had to say that. :biggrin:
Hold on now.....I wasn't trying to judge anyone. Sorry if i came off that way for there is no one on this earth that can do that. There is only ONE JUDGE and HE will tell us when the day comes if what we did was right or wrong. Until then, I'll keep making comments on forums like this and let people know when I think things are peculiar. No hard feelings I hope. You sound like a great father (except for the street racing with your kid in the car part) ;) Just kidding, but I had to say that. :biggrin:

LOL. No worries...I appreciate the reminder.:D