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Any Amsoil engine oil users on here?


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turboindian is right about going 25K miles between OCI's, you need a oil bypass system installed on your vehicle, then just change the primary filter every 3-5K miles and top off, otherwise you can put all those miles on you like with the scamsoil you use with the 25K intervals, not I and I bet a lot others agree also, it does'nt matter what oil you use 25K is just to many unless all you do is drive cross country, not in stop n go traffic which is really hard on oils and also what most of us do on a daily basis.

25,000 miles is 100,000 1/4 mile passes. There is no oil that wil handle that.

3,000 miles is 12,000 1/4 mile passes. Still no oil that handles that.

It depends on driving habits and conditions. Racing breaks down oil much faster as you get blowby/contamination. Local guy here with Mitsubishi thought he could go 3000 miles at 30 PSI boost all the time.. his rod bearings let go.

Normal driving is one thing. Hammer time is something else :D

I've changed oil at 50 miles.. and have changed oil at 5k. If the dipstick is pulled and its dirty.. time to go.
just a little info. as of this week I have 51k on the shell rotella oil in my big truck. :eek: BUT every 10k the oil filter gets changed, the bypass oil filter gets changed, the fuel filters get changed, & a oil sample gets sent off. I have found that the bypass filter that I paid $300 for & the $28 filters have paid for it's self in 1 year. the good thing about drawing oil samples is you see premature wear & problems like coolant or fuel in the oil. I even take samples from the vette & vw.
I used to use their turbo formulated synthetic exclusively. Now that it's gone, I don't. Though, now that I'm a bit more educated on oils, I just use whatever good, brand name synthetic's in the store at the time, and a wix, or other good filter and be done with it. Of course I use zddp as well.
Typically, but that won't be an issue, if your engines doing what it should be, and you change your oil regularly, and with a high quality filter. MANY cars have been running dino successfully for YEARS, with no problems :)
I run nothing but Amsoil. If you use the 100% synthetic, you can go 25K without changing the oil. Steve

First of all this is a "TURBO BUICK BOARD", so your logic may be true for a Suburban board, it is NOT applicable here.:mad:

Do not take this personal, but there is a MAJOR difference between a boosted, performance engine, and a Suburban driver, and that is oil contamination.

Put boost in your engine, which is set up "looser" than a late model, high tech engine designed for economy, and there is a world of difference.

The TR should be using premium gas, or even leaded gas, [maybe alcohol too?] and this gas, both burned and unburned, gets pushed into the crankcase under boost. Does not matter if it is on the street or strip.

I know LOTS of TR owners and all of them utilize "boost" almost every time they drive their car. Why have boost if you are not going to use it?:biggrin:

Since every knows oil is cheaper than an engine rebuild, it is good insurance to do frequent oil/filter changes in a TR, like every 1000 miles, or never longer than 3000 miles.

So with this change interval, what is the advantage of synthetic over regular oil? Don't give me the "better gas mileage" as again this is a performance car. The high dollar synthetic will get just as contaminated, or probably more so, than regular oil.

So the Cad CTS-V owners spend $60-70K on their cars, and generally have them a year or 3 until they get their next toy? Again, what they do, or oil they use has no bearing here.

I respect others opinions, and always like to know different points of view. But it is imperative that the info be qualified, and any comparison must be within proper bounds.

Dennis has been pointing out info in his postings that is directly applicable to the TR world. not just his opinion, but he has gathered over 20 years of experience from many people that have lots of experience with turbo Buicks.:cool:
To me, the # of turbo Buick peeps that use Amsoil does have a tie-in with the Cad '09 CTS-V as both the motors are boosted. And I am not trying to undermine the importance of Richard Clark, Dennis Kirban, Kirban Performance, or ZDDP. Only curious about using Amsoil. Thanks for your input & concern though.
About that 25,000 mile oil change interval... I think you guys will be quite suprised to see, what some trucks use, for oil change intervals.... QUITE suprised. Sure, it's a different oil, and they use all sorts of really cool wiz bang oil filters, but still, it is possible. For a street drive, charge air car? I wouldn't try it. Though, the days of 3000 mile oil change intervals really are a thing of the past. If you use a good oil and a good filter, there's no reason whatsoever, that you couldn't do a 4000 mile change interval. Though most of us still do under 3000 mile changes, cuz were obsessive compulsive. Myself included. Would I change more often to avoid, even a possible engine rebuild? Absolutely...
I to am looking at getting the Caddy CTS-V... 2009... and Im a Amsoil dist...i love the stuff....and wouldnt have any issues running it in the caddy...25,000 miles change interval with the eoa filter. I run a 15w-50 racing synthetic in the buick with a flat tappit has the zinc you need aswell. If you want to learn anything about oil check out this site...its an independant oil site and you may learn a lil about air filters too :)


I have spent hours reading about all oils...and Im satisfied with the Amsoil product...others may be comparable..its just what i personally like. Dosnt make it the best or the worst for that matter, it just works for me.
Bounty Hunter:
About when are you planning on buying a '09 CTS-V. There aren't too many left, and it is too late to order a '09, and too early to order a '10. Just curious?
kirban 2 cents worth

SLightly off the topic....

Dealer near me has one of each in black auto and a 6 speed CTS Vs....brand new....says others dealer shave tried to sell theirs to them in other colors but black seems to be the perferred color. They sticker for around 64 grand maybe? I thought it was unusual to see 2 at this one dealer in a small town near my shop.

As for ordering with the GM and our government in a partnership I think the days of V8 cars is going to quickly come to an end in the GM system outside of maybe the Corvette.

did not mean to step on anyones toes on oil....