Any GMMOC members here? - July 12th, 2003

May 25, 2001
I was looking at the calendar and it says "Dyno day at Carolina Auto Masters" on July 12th 2003. in Durham NC.

Any confirmations to this? Cheryl? Gary? Shariff?

Anyone know the address to this place?

I'm planning to be out of town from June 3rd - June 26th, but I AM planning to be in town in July...
Haven't heard anything about it but here is the address & phone number

DURHAM, NC 27701

113 N Elizabeth St? I'll have to swing by and check that place out! Ever been over there yourself? It will probably be Monday that I swing by there...
It's the old Carpenter's/ Hendrick Chev building if that helps any, and I wouldn't go after dark.

I just called the telephone number that Gary supplied further above and can confirm that GMMOC is expected to have a function here this Saturday. But still, things could change, etc... Actually, GMMOC confirmation is still pending... BTW, as far as I know, this is the event of the GMMOC club, and if a lot of non-club members show up, it might create an undetermined amount of unpleasantness. I don't expect it to, but as a non-member, I am going to be on my best behavior, I will not be offended if I am asked to leave (due to the fact that I am not a member) and hopefully, everything will work out fine. This is, after all, supposedly a club event, to which I have not offically been invited.

Sorry for the "soapboxing" - just had to get that out and do what I can to keep things peaceful...

And as for what kh440 said, I can personally vouch that as little as half a mile north, south and east of the location is not any place that you want to get lost in. How do I know? I worked that area for a few months earlier this year. :eek:

For that matter, if you have any trouble this saturday and you get lost, give me a call on my cell phone (919)740-4756 (or call the shop) (919) 680-3966 but a little map preparation goes a long way. Either way, I am fairly familiar with that area of Durham.
Update #2

Address Correction:

DURHAM, NC 27701

FYI - all streets split N & S on either side of Main St (Main St runs east & west) Watch out for this minor detail.

Dyno charges - $50 for 1/2 hour. I don't think there was any restriction on spectators. Find out how much RWHP you have. Personally, I'm expecting mine to be pretty low, and now I will actually know just HOW low they are. See anyone who is coming tomorrow!

