Gary! I originally said & meant 10% of Buick owners have mental issues. Now I'm starting to believe that I may have underestimated.Yes you spotted this right away, This is why you were hand picked & given the awesome task of a moderator I now fear that with this restroom scandal that the responsibilities of your office have broken you down. you should now resign with dignity or face impeachment.----------------------------
You must have switched lines, Lou. That was the line on the right. I was in the line on the left selling tickets to the 90% "mental health issue" clan for the annual "Kruise to Lou's Turbo Buick Emporium". And fwiw, I wouldn't wish them a "Happy Birthday" until after they bought a ticket. All's well, though, because the ticket included a 25% discount for services and a 10% discount on parts at Lou's Turbo Buick Emporium.