Any, NA alt/ac bracket users on a hot-air?


Feb 1, 2002
welp i sorta cracked my ac/alt bracket when i was tightening up my alternator.

Needless to say i went to theeee Yard and got a bracket off of an cutllass.
Welp like.... im sure a few others did, i bolted it up and realzed that my hot-air alternator was not gunna work with this NA bracket...

well most of the alternators that work for these brackets are very low in AMPS.
70-85 Amps mostly.
This isnt very efficent for a guy running a hotwire FP kit, RC fans and a 200 watt amp....

Sooo i was wondering what options i had ...
Does anyone know any higher voltage AMPS off another car , that i can use??
That will bolt up ?

i know you can try an LT1 alternator, but i know my harnass wont plug in and i dont wanna clip everything if i don't have too
will the IC car alts work? plug wise?
any suggestions?

appreciate it
My mechanic broke the same bracket last year when I had the engine rebuilt. He had the original bracket welded back together. No problems after 15 months. Brad