Mine is a S&W K38 Masterpice made in 68. Darn good shooter. I have taken golfballs at 100 yard with it. I do my own relaoding for it as well as casting my own lead heads. I had a pick of all 3 that i have. So here is the tiny collection.
Mine is a S&W K38 Masterpice made in 68. Darn good shooter. I have taken golfballs at 100 yard with it. I do my own relaoding for it as well as casting my own lead heads.
Nice shooting, regalnut....but it's kind of hard to hit a goofball at 100 yards......oh......what a second......you said golfballs........I thought....well......goofballs are MOVING at 100 yards, that's why they are hard to hit.....now I see.......sorry...... I'll just try harder on my sighting in.....on the goofballs.........