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Any Social Workers here?


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Good luck to the op. Social work is and will always be an uphill climb. My advive is get a grasp on mental health first. That will help your understanding on The real world plight of us all.
Good luck to the op. Social work is and will always be an uphill climb. My advive is get a grasp on mental health first. That will help your understanding on The real world plight of us all.
Brother I could write a book and still be "the dummy in the back", lol.

Through my research and contacts I have found out that I may not even have the necessary academic requirements to enter college for a Bachelors degree. One could say that I am casting a lure and hoping for a bite but I keep casting.

Over qualified, under qualified.
Good luck to the op. Social work is and will always be an uphill climb. My advive is get a grasp on mental health first. That will help your understanding on The real world plight of us all.
Brother I could write a book and still be "the dummy in the back", lol.

Through my research and contacts I have found out that I may not even have the necessary academic requirements to enter college for a Bachelors degree. One could say that I am casting a lure and hoping for a bite but I keep casting.

Over qualified, under qualified.
My wife works for dcf in Massachusetts and makes 80K plus per year and works 37.5 hours a week with a pension that's 80% of her last 3 years of pay which will all be over 100k after 25 years she does work about 200 hours a year over time. So to say social workers make no money isn't true in my book. She will retire at 55 with 80k a year tills she dies seems ok to me......although some sw do not make a lot of money but I do know if you work for the state you will do ok....most people that go into social work don't go into for the money they go into to help others. Not to mention the amount of sick time and vacation time she gets is great as well Union job and also great benefits...
My wife works for dcf in Massachusetts and makes 80K plus per year and works 37.5 hours a week with a pension that's 80% of her last 3 years of pay which will all be over 100k after 25 years she does work about 200 hours a year over time. So to say social workers make no money isn't true in my book. She will retire at 55 with 80k a year tills she dies seems ok to me......although some sw do not make a lot of money but I do know if you work for the state you will do ok....most people that go into social work don't go into for the money they go into to help others. Not to mention the amount of sick time and vacation time she gets is great as well Union job and also great benefits...
So after paying for groceries and rent for many of the parents who raise hell-yinz we pay for DCF workers, forever, to attempt to fix them.

Sweet home hack-a-rama.
So after paying for groceries and rent for many of the parents who raise hell-yinz we pay for DCF workers, forever, to attempt to fix them.

Sweet home hack-a-rama.

The hardest part I face when looking at my federal tax deductions from each check is wondering which one of us actual tax paying patsy's paid for that that fucking hood rat's gun.
We had one shot dead by a father of a child removed from a house here in Nashua. You have to be over the top crappy parents to have a kid taken away here in NH. He proved it.
To have your kids taken away by dcf you have to be really really crappy parents.i hear about it all the time how the state doesn't want to remove the kids. Some instances are crazy to me.just follow the money the state doesn't want to spend the money it's no different than the legal system not putting people in jail they don't want to pay for prisoners.thats the real reason behind the light sentencing.i work in a state maximum security prison and it's crazy how many imates they are sending home so the state can eliminate jobs in the department of corrections.low bails same thing keep them out of jail. It's disgusting
Everyone here has been so kind offering their opinions, thank you, so you all deserve an update. After researching what it takes to become a social worker and finding out it will take a college degree which I do not have nor do I have the skills to even pass the entrance exam. I graduated high school in the early '80s and was in the "work program" for my last two years, I was in school from 8-11:30am and then worked 40hrs a week. I actually graduated without even taking algebra (only fundamental math) so I was dead at the start.

Now the good news! Out of the blue I received two job offers within a eight hour span from company's I had interviewed with. I just accepted a driver/delivery position with Revolution Foods delivering fresh non-processed food to schools so the kids (our future) will at least have one healthy meal each day while at school. I love kids and the goal and vision of this company so I still get to make a difference.

Have a great day and weekend friends,
Thank you. I go in on Monday to meet with HR for some final paperwork and then go drug test and then start "bright and early" on Tuesday morning.

Between not finding a job for so long and then enduring my mothers battle with stage four breast cancer this job is a blessing. I mean that in the sense that she is more worried about her baby boy than she is about herself. I have been truly blessed.
Glad your life is turning around.
Wealth does not create happiness, but.........neither does poverty!!
Your happiness begins between YOUR ears, not someone else's.
I once worked for a millionaire that dropped out of school at age 14. He figured out that he could make more money going to work as a salesman. Ended up owning yachts, helicopters (and the Unlimited Hydroplane race team I built engines for) and was a very cool guy to work for. He truly understood people and how to get them to do what he needed without making enemies. RIP Bernie Little.
May I suggest you read the book "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie. Great read for everyone. It should be required reading in high schools!
Oh, I should add...........I've never once, worked for a poor man.
Good luck!
Why do so many people hate the rich? If it weren't for some very rich people I wouldn't have had the job I had for 32 years. The company I worked for was a great place until it went public. Then everything was about the bottom line. The pay was good but what had to be done to earn it was a pain. In fact after I wore out my body they more or less showed me the door without so much as a "thank you". Looking back at it all I can say money isn't everything.
I am. I'm a police officer.....we are all being converted to social work because everyone needs hugs and kisses these days. What's this world coming too.
I'm a police officer.....we are all being converted to social work because everyone needs hugs and kisses these days. What's this world coming too.

I foolishly thought I could make a difference when I became a LEO, I was wrong.
Congratulations Gregg! Now trade that foreign born BMW for a GN, and start having some fun!
Congratulations Gregg! Now trade that foreign born BMW for a GN, and start having some fun!

Thank you for your support and the laugh, I needed that.

I love my BMW yet I also need a reliable DD and quite frankly I get a little cautious about the stories I read regarding the GN reliability. All hope is not lost though as I found a local '87 GN for sale and will have a PPI performed pre-purchase, I need a turbo Buick specialist in the Houston area though.