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Anybody gonna bid on this??


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Hmmmm.... Interesting. It would help to know some details on why Marks selling so soon after he bought it. Its kinda hard for a potential buyer to bid with any confidence on the car right now the way it stands. Maybe Mark or Bruce will chime in and let us know what is up. Might actually be a good deal. Anybody seen the car up close to verify its worth. Seems like somebody thats seen it or knows more about it, would swoop in to buy it if its that good a deal.
Well, Bruce may chose to or not say why he sold it. Either way it really isn't any business of the wondering masses. I know Mark Harff does own the car, and it is still here because Mark was not wanting to transport the car during the bad weather. Make sense ? Does to me.
Why is he selling it? Because the car is worth a hell of a lot more than he paid for it and I would suspect many would do the same for the profit.
If any of you had the opportunity to see this car, you would understand. It is flawless and completely professionally done. The car has been at the track once. It was completed in I think '98 and has been pretty much idle until then. At the track it had some carb concerns which have been corrected. The car launched hard, flat, and straight. Bruce said he didn't even have to have his hands on the wheel. Even with a bad carb, he did a 1.38 60' time I do believe.
It's funny to see all the little flame throwers that will always do a conspiracy theory and anal exam on everything Bruce does. I guess that is the price of being on top and being so visible.
Look at how the innuendos and outright derogatory statements are being made. Maybe everyone doing these should have an anal done on their every move. Even without any proof or knowledge of any of these facts, there are always the rock throwers coming out with their ridiculous comments.
Their statements are not humorous or clever, they are actually just plain pathetic, unfounded, and totally lacking in any civility.
Flame on guys. Make yourselves look bitter, because from the number of e-mails we get complaining about the complainers, you are in a very, very small minority.

Originally posted by 2quiktocare

Why is he selling it? Because the car is worth a hell of a lot more than he paid for it and I would suspect many would do the same for the profit.

Really just curious--please don't get mad with me:rolleyes: ---if the car barely got 20k on ebay last time---why is it worth more this time----value of a car like this----is only worth what someone will pay------why will it be worth more this time---it doesn't make sense to me----but i am just a country boy from North Carolina---question is serious----why is worth more now than before??:cool: ------

Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Well, Bruce may chose to or not say why he sold it. Either way it really isn't any business of the wondering masses.
It's funny to see all the little flame throwers that will always do a conspiracy theory and anal exam on everything Bruce does. I guess that is the price of being on top and being so visible.
Look at how the innuendos and outright derogatory statements are being made. Maybe everyone doing these should have an anal done on their every move. Even without any proof or knowledge of any of these facts, there are always the rock throwers coming out with their ridiculous comments.
Their statements are not humorous or clever, they are actually just plain pathetic, unfounded, and totally lacking in any civility.
Flame on guys.


Mark Y. has made some accusations much worse than this ,this is a very poor case of the pot calling the kettle black .But this is the way he operates .

BTW a Buick on ebay does concern the masses at least the Turbo Buick masses ,after all it is on an internet auction:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
It's funny to see all the little flame throwers that will always do a conspiracy theory and anal exam on everything Bruce does. I guess that is the price of being on top and being so visible.

Why is he selling it? Because the car is worth a hell of a lot more than he paid for it and I would suspect many would do the same for the profit

Mark was kind enough to respond to the board about his purchase of the car an turning it around for a profit was not one of the reasons why he said he bought it. If the car is so underpriced and such a great investment opportunity why have you not bid on it yet 2quicktocare? Do you know something we don't? What do you think the value of this car is?

Well, Bruce may chose to or not say why he sold it. Either way it really isn't any business of the wondering masses.

True, its between him and the buyer but now the car is up for sale again already and I would imagine that potential buyers would like to know whats up. With as many people as Bruce has supposedly coming and going from his shop that have probably seen this car, why would he take such a loss on this car. I mean if its as nice as you say I would think somebody local would be all over it if its that undervalued.

If any of you had the opportunity to see this car, you would understand. It is flawless and completely professionally done. The car has been at the track once. It was completed in I think '98 and has been pretty much idle until then. At the track it had some carb concerns which have been corrected. The car launched hard, flat, and straight. Bruce said he didn't even have to have his hands on the wheel. Even with a bad carb, he did a 1.38 60' time I do believe.
It's funny to see all the little flame throwers that will always do a conspiracy theory and anal exam on everything Bruce does. I guess that is the price of being on top and being so visible.

So the car has sat for 6 years. Were the carb problems ever fixed or has the car just sat since 98?

Look at how the innuendos and outright derogatory statements are being made. Maybe everyone doing these should have an anal done on their every move. Even without any proof or knowledge of any of these facts, there are always the rock throwers coming out with their ridiculous comments.

If certain partys would be upfront and not so frickin secretive then maybe there wouldn't be so many rock thowers. It does sound like an awesome car but its kind of hard to bid on it with any confidence considering the circumstances. If I bid on this car will I be bidding against Bruce this time instead of Mark and if it doesn't git bid up high enough this time will they just swap it back? Please comment on this if you would take the time Bruce. I don't see anything wrong with discussing and asking questions about a Buick(uuuhhhh is it still a buick with that motor LOL ;) ) thats for sale by a board member on a public auction like Ebay.
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
It's funny to see all the little flame throwers that will always do a conspiracy theory and anal exam on everything Bruce does. I guess that is the price of being on top and being so visible.


The ? was, what is MARK doing selling the car so fast .
Does Bruce still have an intreast ?I thought HOTTOGO was selling the car ,lets see are we coming or going ,is he buying or selling ,what a wicked web we weave.
Originally posted by 2quiktocare

It's funny to see all the little flame throwers that will always do a conspiracy theory and anal exam on everything Bruce does. I guess that is the price of being on top and being so visible.
Look at how the innuendos and outright derogatory statements are being made. Maybe everyone doing these should have an anal done on their every move. Even without any proof or knowledge of any of these facts, there are always the rock throwers coming out with their ridiculous comments.

Mark, if you want to get into "conspiracy theory" which I am sure you don't.....then how about all those 48 hour the theories? you remember the computer hacking, FBI and so forth? :rolleyes:
Mark. Mark who? Mark at PTS or is there another Mark involved. Is "HOTTOGO" Mark.
Mark Y works at PTS aka 2qwktocare

Mark HOTTOGO ,I think he worked for PTS also and is a moderator on the TBB.

And me ,I am Mark Wallace ,former customer of PTS ,I know the truth
Ive actually seen the car... very nicely done. VERY nicely done. I cant speak to every aspect as Im not a chassis designer or cage builder for example, but on appearance it looked great.

I personally think it would garner more interest with the 3.8... the offbrand doesnt do it for me or a lot of others I wager. It certainly doesnt get to bank on the TURBO Regal aspect.

What is it worth? Whatever it brings I guess.
I personally think it would garner more interest with the 3.8... the offbrand doesnt do it for me or a lot of others I wager. It certainly doesnt get to bank on the TURBO Regal aspect.

Yeah, I thought this too. Just not a GN without the 3.8. LOL :) I wonder what you could get for the current engine? Maybe work some kind of trade with someone for a stage 2 or something. Hmmmm.
Below is the email to Bruce Toelle asking about the car and why it is being sold by Mark Harff (Arffy) and the reply from Bruce Toelle. Actually the answer is quite obvious and one wonders why Bruce and Mark H, and now Mark Y, all contrived such a bs story to explain the questions the first time that Mark H shilled the bid for Bruce.

These guys are not rocket scientists.


[q]Thanks for the mail Bruce. I am out of the country on
business and will not be able to call until I return
to the states. I should be home by Friday night.

I was going to bid on the car the last time it was on
ebay but missed out. Did the high bidder buy the car?
I see he is the seller this time. Why is it being
sold again so soon? Did he ever pay for it? I am a
serious cash buyer and have been looking for a car
like this for years . You did a great job building it.
Sorry for all the questions let me know what you can.[/q]

Bruce's reply

[q]He was a freind of mine. I needed a down payment on a
house for the wife she just had to have..
He lent me the money I needed at the time and he is in
it with me at this point. I have paid him back for the
"loan" so to speak but now I need the rest. The car is
perfect and I have over 100k in it but I need to sell
the car for the rest of the payment on the house.
Prioities in life one might say. If you are or were
ever married I am sure you would understand. Car is
awesome. Let me know what you have in mind. I do have
a reserve this time as last time I was an novice
ebay'er. lol, a stupid one at that one might even say.
I learned alot from last timeon ebay but family is
taking priority at this time. That is the only reason
I would give this car up. You may call me at any time
at 916-952-**** or at night at 916-681-****
During the day cell or shoip is best 916-739-0510 is
the shop.
I have had alot of inquiries this time.


So is this the truth that you all have been trying to cover up? GEEEEEEZZZ.... :rolleyes: Big frickin deal. Why didn't you just come out and say it. I made a boo boo and forgot to put a reserve on the car and I had a friend help me out. Whoooopiii deee deee ... whats so hard about just telling us the truth. Shame I have to go to another site to find this crap out. Now my question is if someone bids the 20 g's for the car, is it possible to get it or is Bruce or one of his friends going to bid it up to 60 grand or whatever??
Previously posted by:
"These guys are not rocket scientists."
No, they are the "Dale carnegie's" of the Buick world.
Uhhh.. I didn't make the rocket scientist crack. LOL That was just in the quote I ripped from another site.:)
Flame on guys. Make yourselves look bitter, because from the number of e-mails we get complaining about the complainers, you are in a very, very small minority.


Where are the masses of complainers? At PTS? With all the BS and outright lies that have been told by the did you put it Mark?....the folks on top?.... I don't believe ANYbody but @sskissers and PTS employees (sales have to be hurting now) are complaining. UNDERSTAND THIS.....We know this was shill bidding by the good folks at PTS...UMMKAY! We know that your attempt at spin control for said PTS while honorable in it's nature does nothing to change this. Now, with this in mind, maybe YOU can understand why it is a big deal to the folks on here. We are potential customers of yours. We see the ethics and business practices of PTS's owner in action with this auction. And it leaves ALOT to be desired. See where we are coming from now, Mark?
First Mark Wallace, truth is only what you want it to be. A very subjective thing. Second, I have no desire to debate with the handful of you that are so damned bitter for obviously self serving reasons.
You aren't in the know, nor do you have any reason to be told anything. You few brought up the topic and you act as though all should be passed thru you for approval. The ones that have nothing better to do than to devote your time to torch others, no explanation will suffice. Why waste time with you.
The reason I don't bid on the car is that I don't have the cash to throw into such a specific use car. If I did, it would be very high on my list. But then I would be subjected to your senseless and malicious rants.
What in your lives have you so twisted all you can do is try to bring others down? Sad lives you must live.
Now, take your time, pick apart everything I said line by line, and try to rationalize that you are bitter for some obscure reason

I don't get it...

Someone is selling a well-built, possibly underpriced/undervalued G-Body Regal on eBay. Unless you're a potential bidder...who cares?

Maybe I'm in the dark, but maybe...just maybe...some people on this board need to get a life.

In the end, it DOES make for some comical reading. Keep it up, if you'd like. ;)