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Anybody gonna bid on this??


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To all the PTS cronies and folks who are heroically defending them....I don't think anybody doubts the fact that this car has more invested in it than the starting price on ebay ($20,000). It is a classic case of over-investment. I would wager my life fortune (not that much) that just about everybody on this board that owns a modded Buick has one also. WAY more money invested than you will EVER get back. That's just the nature of hot-rodding.

So drop the "Have you seen the car? It is worth so much more!!" comments & BS because the issue at hand was over the last auction and the shill bidding that occured between Bruce and one of his employees.
Originally posted by turbojimmy
********* = t u r b o b u i c k s . c o m It's a bad word and is filtered out.

Crazy, no?


Your gonna get your mouth washed out with burnt tranny fluid around here for typing such heresy!:D
Originally posted by Taffy
Your post had no point. The car is definitely worth over $20K. I saw it, I even touched it in Las Vegas. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.

The car is probably worth 20K to somebody, but other than the fake buyer that won it last time (shill) no one has stepped up. The whole point here was not about the price tag, but the lack of ethics that surround it. And the fact that you "touched"it...well then I'm convinced, about what I don't know?
I looked for the new listing on e-bay last night, and I could not find it. Was it removed?
Your post had no point

Most of my posts don't..... LOL;)

The car is definitely worth over $20K. I saw it, I even touched it in Las Vegas. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.

Somebody else claiming the car is undervalued at 20k but still no bid:confused: :confused: I haven't seen the car, so I will agree with you that I don't have a clue about it yet it seems unusual that no locals in cali that have seen the car and drooled over it are bidding on it. Is it just the fact that it has a sbc in it instead of a 6, the percieved sale dishonesty, or is it just not worth the 20k reserve? If all things were the same and this thing had a stage 2 instead of a sbc, would anybody bid on it for 20k? Is Terrys car still for sale? Whats he asking for his as compared to this car??
It says 100K invested:rolleyes: , I wonder if with this car you get to the point where you have say..ok I have put 50K into it and NO MORE, but no in this case let me put another 50K into it and now decide I want to sell it without ever really racing it as Mark from PTS said and let me sell it with a 80K loss? Does this make sense to anyone? This is either fishy or really dumb. Take the 100K buy a really FAST car to race and still have alot more than 50K left in your wallet.:D
Originally posted by Joe Cancer
It's 4sale on PTSXtremes website for $60k ,click on the online catalog.

I thought Bruce wasn't the owner anymore? :rolleyes:
I'm confused.
Just my Opinion

Ummmm....... If it's not your money or your car guys, Than WHO CARES!!! Why must we get so worked up over somebody elses stuff.
Well it does prove one thing, the Buick guys hate it and the Chevy guys hate it. This is the risk you take when you cross breed a car. If there is half the $100K claimed in that car then someone has more money than brains. Whoever owns it can keep wasting their money on Ebay auctions but I don't think that car will bring more than $15K. IMO you could probably get more for it by selling the drivetrain and body seperately.
Originally posted by CARTMAN
IMO you could probably get more for it by selling the drivetrain and body seperately.

maybe aarrrfy will part it out and make a quick return on his purchase?