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Anybody gonna bid on this??


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He needs to sell it so he can pay 2quicktocare the big bux to sit on the internet all day and argue with people. LOL business must be slow LOL :rolleyes:

Love you all

I agree with QuickWrench iam completely lost as well that national up for sale is defently crazy and well priced but hey sometimes iam bored too lol. just hope the board doesn't have to suffer at all.
I can't answer for anybody else on the board, but I am definitely not suffering. I think that this makes for very good reading. Very interesting and very informative.
Re: ????????

Originally posted by QuickWrench
I don't get it...

Someone is selling a well-built, possibly underpriced/undervalued G-Body Regal on eBay. Unless you're a potential bidder...who cares?

Maybe I'm in the dark, but maybe...just maybe...some people on this board need to get a life.

In the end, it DOES make for some comical reading. Keep it up, if you'd like. ;)

So, if you bid on it and won it on EBAY, it would not bother you that the bidding had been run up by fake bidders? Or that the guy that "owned" it and had "won" it on a prior auction neither owned it nor had won it, but, was simply shill bidder that was trying to run the price up for his buddy?

Aw, come on now, I bet you would be a little p.o.'d!:)
The confusion is more to do with people theorizing rather than knowing about bidding and what actually happened. Regardless of what is said, it was all proper and legal. No one here had any interest at all in the car anyways. It has a Chevy engine, and "they" the flamers have already proved to themselves it has no value without a turbo V-6 in it. So why all the pouting? By the way, Mark Harff had hi bid.
But, he was not a real bidder, was he? Just saving the seller's bacon with no intent to pay for the car.

It has nothing to do with what is in the car...only honesty and ethics which are subjective per your prior post.:)
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
First Mark Wallace, truth is only what you want it to be. A very subjective thing.

That statment about sums it up

HOTTOGO didnt buy the car , and you lied about it .

I didnt get my T/C,you lied about it .

Kinda simple aint it

A man is as good as his word
Well Mark, it's like I told you when all that crap went down. Your converter was sent to TCS that day. You were told they were getting it and it was your deal to handle. If you don't want to call Rusty, then that is your option. But if you are going to claim to be in total control of what is and isn't truth, then at least tell the whole truth.

Rusty's number is (928)453-4020.

As far as Bruce's car goes, you don't know jack about what all went on with it, but that doesn't stop you from fabricating everything you can about it.

Wrong again Mark Y.
I sent my T/C to PTS(4 months ago) ,Per Bruces instructions ,when you to Limp to get on phone because Bruce said you just couldnt talk to me because you had lost all "crediblity" .
PTS will get my T/C back to me , the easy way or the hard way ,You have my info .
Lies will NOT get you out of this .
I have time and a good memory
Luv Ya:D :D :D
The conversation we had was about 2 months ago Mark and I told you at that time, yes, we found your converter and we were sending it to TCS. I have all the post on that rant also. You were told at that time, I was thru with the whole thing for many reasons. I told you I will send your converter to TCS and from that point on, it was on you. Remember that? If not I will dig out the post. That is the truth and you know it. I am not going to further this fit of yours any further. You appearantly never made a mistake. I did to which I apologized here and on the phone. What exactly are you wanting to gain by all this Mark? This or ******** is not the place to handle this, yet you have continued to do before I was aware and since we last spoke. If you want to talk about this, let me know. It's not doing your health a bit of good continuing to let this fester in you and eat at you to the point it is consuming all your threads here and at ********. There is much more to life than this.

Wrong yet again Mark Y

PTS said they were thru with it , NOT ME .
PTS said they would let TCS handle it NOT ME .
If you want TCS to send me my T/C ,fine . Get on it .
I have heard no word from ,PTS,Bruce or TCS.4 months and counting.
I want my T/C back ,thats all .
YOU ,BRUCE and PTS are not off the hook just because YOU said you are ,no amount of lies will get you out of it .
Your Co. is obligated to return said T/C .Bruce said ship PTS the T/C not to TCS .I am calling no one ,you have my info , If I were you I would find the T/C and get it shipped to me ASAP
Easy way or the hard way Mark . I am not angry but I will pursue this till an end .
Mark of is a thought, Instead of continuing all the bad press your getting of this T/C, why not just step up and do whatever it takes to remedy the situation with this customer?? How does it make good business sense to continually argue with this customer? You sold him this piece, you apparently lost the original for some time and you sent it for repair, don't you think the proper thing to do here is to follow though and be done with it? :rolleyes:
Not wrong Mark, 2 months ago we did speak. I told you where it was at that point, Yes, I am done with it. If you wish to speak with Bruce, then do so, or call Rusty. He wants to know what you wish to accomplish with your old converter as it is and let you know how much it will be to refurbish it. But don't be mistaken, I am done with it, period. Bad press? I am not the one that chose and continues to take every opportunity to bring this to a thread.
Jebus this is ugly, you can't even buy press this bad :rolleyes: Courtney Love would be jealous I'm sure :o BTW what is ********* :confused:
I will speak to no one at PTS .
PTS will ship or arrange thru whomever they like to ship MY T/C back . looks like it may be the hard way ,may take a while but at least we get to joke around while I am waiting
Zero bids so far....I guess without the shill bidding things are getting a little slow?

I don't get it...

Someone is selling a well-built, possibly underpriced/undervalued G-Body Regal on eBay. Unless you're a potential bidder...who cares?

Maybe I'm in the dark, but maybe...just maybe...some people on this board need to get a life.

In the end, it DOES make for some comical reading. Keep it up, if you'd like.

Well, how do you know a potential buyer is not reading this thread? Started out we were just discussing a car for sale on Ebay and if anybody was gonna bid on it. We've gotten off track a little but I don't see whats wrong with talking about something for sale on ebay and the percieved circumstance around it. Whats wrong with that? Besides we have a badass V-8 Buick on the main page now so why should we not be interested in one for sale one ebay? LOL;) Anybodys gears turning on this car?? Mark Y claims its worth way more than 20g's and implys it could probably be turned around for a good profit, yet he won't bid on it and he's right there where its at. :confused:
Originally posted by CARTMAN
Jebus this is ugly, you can't even buy press this bad :rolleyes: Courtney Love would be jealous I'm sure :o BTW what is ********* :confused:

********* = t u r b o b u i c k s . c o m It's a bad word and is filtered out.

Crazy, no?

Originally posted by turbot2496

I don't get it...

Someone is selling a well-built, possibly underpriced/undervalued G-Body Regal on eBay. Unless you're a potential bidder...who cares?

Maybe I'm in the dark, but maybe...just maybe...some people on this board need to get a life.

In the end, it DOES make for some comical reading. Keep it up, if you'd like.

Well, how do you know a potential buyer is not reading this thread? Started out we were just discussing a car for sale on Ebay and if anybody was gonna bid on it. We've gotten off track a little but I don't see whats wrong with talking about something for sale on ebay and the percieved circumstance around it. Whats wrong with that? Besides we have a badass V-8 Buick on the main page now so why should we not be interested in one for sale one ebay? LOL;) Anybodys gears turning on this car?? Mark Y claims its worth way more than 20g's and implys it could probably be turned around for a good profit, yet he won't bid on it and he's right there where its at. :confused:

Your post had no point. The car is definitely worth over $20K. I saw it, I even touched it in Las Vegas. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.