Originally posted by tminer
Reverse time travel theoretically occurs when travelling faster than the speed of light.
Alledgedly, it has been done in the lab. Some sort of plasma based device that will transmit an electrical signal faster than the speed of light. They ran a signal into it and a conventional circuit in parrallel and the plasma signal was recieved at the other end before the conventional one.
I contend that no real time travel took place. Just that the plasma cicuit was faster than the electrical. One could accomplish the same thing by yelling into a nearby microphone and running the signal a distance to where a second microphone has been placed. Run the two signals into a dual trace scope and you will see that the signal from the mic closest to the yelling will be first. It travelled at the speed of light (electricity) whereas the other one travelled a distance at the speed of sound (yelling to distant mic). Did time travel occur? No, unless one wrongly assumes the speed of time (aka the actual maximum speed achievable) is the same as the speed of sound. And the fact that the speed of light has been surpassed would indicate that the speed of time is also faster than the speed of light. So no time travel.
Unless the plasma signal actually isn't faster than the speed of light, but rather travels through time and therefor only appears to be faster!
Like the movie Contact? Where Jodie Foster would have only aged 2yrs the entire like 50 years she was gone because she was travelling near or faster than the speed of light?