Originally posted by ncgreg231
Please tell me more about multiple worldlines...
OK, try to bear with me.............I'll try my best.
Let's say you are a time traveler. You set your machine to go back to a certain date. And while you are there, you want to accomplish something....anything......say ....buy a computer to take back with you. So, you fire up the machine and you are back in time, in the place you need to be. You walk in the computer store and...........
1. While you are there someone robs the store and shoots the owner of the store. You haul butt out of there.............mission not accomplished. You will have to try again later. You go back to your machine and return to your time.
2. You go back again, but this time you take a weapon, or inform the owner before the bad guy comes in what is about to happen. The bad guy doesn't rob the store, you get what you need and haul butt back to the future.
NOW.....look at number 1. That is worldline number one. After you left the scene of the crime, did that entire thing not happen? No, it DID happen, you were there. What happened to that universe, planet, all those people. The bad guy got away to rob another day. All the people in that universe are still there and that worldline is going on the way it should.
The SAME can be said of scenario number 2. Did you change history..........well....kinda. You started a second worldline when the guy was prevented from robbing the store. Instead of getting away with it, the bad guy went to jail. Totally different outcomes, but all the same people were involved.
Did you ever see "It's A Wonderful Life". That is an example of 2 different worldlines with the same people.
This may be a bad example, but I'm just a dumb fireman! sorry!