...injested is too much?
I saw my bud get a mouthful once when he was a little tipsy trying to get some race gas into my car out of a 5-gal can w/ a hose. My drum pump broke awhile back so I sometimes use a hose too. I got some on my lips once and immediately went to the sink. None got in my mouth, but even after I washed my mouth real good, If I took a deep enough breath I could feel a little burn in the back of my throat. Im sure others here have been through the same thing.
How harmful are we talkin here?
I saw my bud get a mouthful once when he was a little tipsy trying to get some race gas into my car out of a 5-gal can w/ a hose. My drum pump broke awhile back so I sometimes use a hose too. I got some on my lips once and immediately went to the sink. None got in my mouth, but even after I washed my mouth real good, If I took a deep enough breath I could feel a little burn in the back of my throat. Im sure others here have been through the same thing.
How harmful are we talkin here?