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Anyone Knows this guy


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Apr 20, 2005
:mad: Anyone knows Doug Bierkamp? I sent him $183 dollar for a 2.1 scanmaster haven't heard from him since. That's foul man, I sent it USPS and got a corfirmation that it was delivery. Trying to save a buck cost me 225 more bastard. :mad:
Does he have a username here on this site? Where did you find the scanmaster advertised? If you sent him a Postal Money Order, I believe you can file a complaint with the US Postal Service. ... ???
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. I hope it all works out for you, that`s a lot of coin to lose. :( :(
I sent a $45.00 M.O for a part from him on Dec 12th. No response to 2 PM's and an email. He is GNXS on the T6p board where the part is advertised.. When did you send the M.O? He was online yesterday when I was checking to see if he replied to my PM

I sent mines off on Dec 6. Haven't heard from him since. What a creep? No word or nothing. Christmas time and he's playing scrooge. I USPS send it and got a confirmation it was delivery. No email nothing. Let me stop before my site gets banned !@@!1. Feel better now.
This board needs a listing "beware of". You try to use your best judgement when dealing w/others during a sale,but sometimes no matter how hard you try,someboy gets screwed. I always try to find how others have made out in the past,how many posts,how long a member,and just common names that are always logged in everyday.Id be leery of selling for a friend types,new here with a ton of things for sale.Maybe we need a ratings number or symbol by our headings.
suicide six said:
This board needs a listing "beware of". You try to use your best judgement when dealing w/others during a sale,but sometimes no matter how hard you try,someboy gets screwed. I always try to find how others have made out in the past,how many posts,how long a member,and just common names that are always logged in everyday.Id be leery of selling for a friend types,new here with a ton of things for sale.Maybe we need a ratings number or symbol by our headings.

I couldn't agree with you more on this and it's :( but this is a good alternative to keeping folk safe from people who like taking advantage of others.
I think a most wanted section list just consisting of people who have taken money for parts and not delivered would be helpful
lturbo6 i have not been able to acess my email so i was not aware that you havent recieved the scanmaster. i use a friends shop to do all of my shipping because its easier and cheaper than going to ups.they have been closed for the hollidays but i will find out tomorrow whats going on.i apologize for any inconvenience.If you had checked my previous posts im sure you would have found my phone #. it would have been nice to have had a heads up before you started the name calling!!

now to curt i have not been on t6p for atleast a week.and i have yet to receive your money i would say the same to you about a call before trying to slam someone who has never had any negative feedback.
furthermore i have never cheated anyone on anything and i resent you guys slamming someone without giving all info.have you done a trace on your money order to see if i have cashed it? or received it? i will apologize for the lack of communication,this has been a very hectic holliday season for me and my family. i will not be slammed over 45.00 so im going to send you your cusion in good faith. in hopes that youll do the research on where the money order is or get them to stop payment and reissue a new moneyorder.

rest assured after the negative comments ive recieved over this i will post negative feedback.

im sure some people on this board have been cheated and i sympathize because ive been there, however things happen when your shipping things around the country,thing get lost,shipping companys get slowed by weather,by an overload of packages at christmas,threre are any number of reasons for delays. its not always that someone is trying to screw you. i feel sorry for some of you on this board who are so bitter that rather than do your part to REALLY try to contact a fellow TR owner you take the easy way and start slamming and name calling.

Doug Bierkamp #770 318 6981
gnxis said:
im sure some people on this board have been cheated and i sympathize because ive been there, however things happen when your shipping things around the country,thing get lost,shipping companys get slowed by weather,by an overload of packages at christmas,threre are any number of reasons for delays. its not always that someone is trying to screw you. i feel sorry for some of you on this board who are so bitter that rather than do your part to REALLY try to contact a fellow TR owner you take the easy way and start slamming and name calling.

Doug Bierkamp #770 318 6981

HAPPY to hear you are a legit seller. But I can see where these individuals can/could overreact with all the negative sellers out there these days and we all have heard every excuse in the book. I for one when ever I sale something, I always follow up no matter what and I try to go above and beyond to ensure the buyer is treated top notch, thus eliminating any chances of this happening. If in deed the buyers didn't attemp to call or email you then shame on them, I feel where you are coming from with this, especially if they left you negative feed back ect..... :) It's obvious the lack of communication was the factor as to why this came about in the first place :wink: :)
Doug I sent that Money order on the December 12th and Pm'd you for the first time on the 20th to see if you recieved it. More pm's and emails since the 20th with no response until today the 2nd of January. When you don't hear from somebody for weeks after you send payment for a part you tend to fear the worst and get a little pissed off thinking you just got ripped off. I will fax you a copy of the Money Order stub to prove I sent it if you want. At this point I'll have to check into the status of this money order to get a refund. I had not done that yet as I was giving you ample time to respond..As far as the comments I made when you didn't respond to pm's and emails asking about the status of my item (payment recieved,shipping etc.) I think you have to expect that from someone who thinks they may not get the item they paid for..
Raymond I do the same thing when I sell items on the board I email when payment is recieved and when it it is shipped to avoid this exact situation. All I wanted to know is was the M.O recieved and was the item shipped. Nothing worse than sending payment and waiting for weeks not knowing if the M.O got there and if the items was shipped or not. If Doug makes this right I'll will follow up and let everyone know that it all worked out
I'll do the same thing if it's all squared away. You know this is the reason people feedback on ebay is bad because of this kind of situation. Now my situation transpire because of lack of communication. I sent everything off. Got a confirmation that it was delivery and cashed, but still no part, or email or anything. Had I not posted anything I would've been out of $183. Now sir when I posted on about the scanmaster you told me it was sold. Yeah to me! When I looked for your email and replied to it so no answer. It been almost a month before I heard anything. Now the name calling wasn't proper but what would you do in my condition?