Picked up a motor a while back to have a spare for my future hot air to IC conversion and ended up just buying a Hot air that was already converted.
So, what I have is a 79K mile 109 motor that I did the basics to so that it doesnt leak oil all over my driveway etc.
I replaced the rear main seal
Swapped the heads for a set of Lightly Ported 6293's that have large stainless valves, 100lb valve springs, etc.
ARP Head Bolts, GM Headgaskets, ARP Cam Bolts
I aso put a new double roller timing chain, 206/206 Ruggles cam, roller cam button, new ACDelco Lifters.
Comes with the front cover with Earl Brown mods, Valve covers, oil pan, Balancer, NO INTAKE.
Looking to get $1200 for it.
Let me know if anyone is interested! Thanks! ----Jeremy
Looking to get $1200 for it.
So, what I have is a 79K mile 109 motor that I did the basics to so that it doesnt leak oil all over my driveway etc.
I replaced the rear main seal
Swapped the heads for a set of Lightly Ported 6293's that have large stainless valves, 100lb valve springs, etc.
ARP Head Bolts, GM Headgaskets, ARP Cam Bolts
I aso put a new double roller timing chain, 206/206 Ruggles cam, roller cam button, new ACDelco Lifters.
Comes with the front cover with Earl Brown mods, Valve covers, oil pan, Balancer, NO INTAKE.
Looking to get $1200 for it.
Let me know if anyone is interested! Thanks! ----Jeremy
Looking to get $1200 for it.