Set the Hobbs to 20.. but the kit is designed for only 20
Not really sure what you mean there??
Not being a smart ass, just wondering, so you are saying that the SMC kit is sold by Steve as a 20 lbs of boost kit only and no more?? That it is maxed out there??? If so I must be the exception, because I am running 23Lbs of boost w/94 octane, Jay Carter race chip, with 0.0 degree knock. This is with a single nozzle setup. As far as my previous post, I was just trying to let people know how to easily make a true dual stage alchy kit if they needed it. Just a side note for what it's worth, I belong to three boat forums, a snowmobile forum, another turbo buick forum, and a NFL forum, and I have never seen such bickering and hate on any other forum...
It's just strange, I thought we were all on the same team.
Just an observation, not trying to start trouble. Really. 
Not really sure what you mean there??