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Are C-5 Corvettes Supposed To Be Fast?


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Red Regal T

Senior Member
May 24, 2001
I know they are. Maybe Mustang Cobras aren't fast but C5s are. Showed one my taillites yesterday :cool:. I stayed in it till about 110 just to make sure he couldn't catch me. I must be on a roll. I never get any races and I get a Cobra last week and C5 this week. The Corvette kill was much more satisfying. What do you think the owner might have commented to his female passenger after he got smoked?:D
I imagine he said something like "Oh, that's probably a race car, lots of mods. Let me get him on a road course and I'd show him a thing or two!" Gotta save some face. They're pretty fast for stockers. Low 13's (at sea level) from what I've read. Faster than the absolutely stock TR/GN, but very expensive to modify. What are your mods?
Well, I'm weighing in at 3400 #s without me in it. I just put on 50# injectors, jayjackson 62 mm TB, and TH downpipe. I'm still running a stock turbo so not up to potential. I'm all ready for a 44 when I decide to spend the money. Oh yeah, DIY achohol.......that's the best and a power plate (thanks Jason).
O.K. The answer to this question is YES. Great kill man. It looks like you have that thing running really good now. Keep it up!
Well, it kind of was "from a roll". I was sitting at a lite with him and of course he was ignoring me (only a buick, after all). Maybe he didn't want to go from a dead stand. So, I quarter pedaled away from the light and before I got through the intersection he hit it, then I hit it before he caught up. I couldn't see him cause he was in my blind spot but he couldn't catch up. He never got next to me. That's why I stayed in it 'till 110. I wanted to see if he could catch me. He left off before I did so I guess he wasn't gaining.:D
I think the C5's are supposed to be fast, but the drivers aren't. :D

Don't jump on me, that's just a generalization. I think the a "performance driver" in a C5 is the exception.

Regardless, he was on it and you won, good kill.
Are C-5s supposed to be fast?

Im with scottyb on this one. Second time I went down the dragstrip, I ran one. Im 16 and this guy was probably in his 30's. I expected to get smoked- I'm completly stock- yet I even cut a better light than him. He ran a smokin' 14.86. I had him till the eighth mile, but my tranny wouldn't shift at WOT so I had to ease out of it at every shift. That guy couldn't drive at all. I've got that run on tape, but I have no clue how to put a video on the internet. Also this vette was a 6-speed, isnt that supposed to be faster?
Nah...C-5's are not impressive at all...espacally for the price tag they carry. Desent is a good word to describe them from a roll. Snail is a good word to describe them from a dead stop.
They, like the Buicks, do however respond well to bolt-ons.

Yeah, Vette V/S the Cobra...the Vette is the better kill of choice due to the rep the vette has .

Only problems with a vette is if you run across one with a free'er-flowing exhaust exhaust with N2O. They seem to do well on the spray.

Past 100mph the vette begins to come on though..they have good top-end.

I was surprised to see that he didn't roll back up on you afer the 100mph muat have been quite aways from him.

Nice kill...:D
My friend has both an 87 GN and a 2001 Z06 Vette. We took both to the dragstrip yesterday. The GN has the typical mods and a TA49 turbo and CAS V4 intercooler, otherwise bone stock motor. The Z06 is stock. The GN ran 12.09@114.5, not boosting worth a darn off the line(running slicks). The Z06 ran a best of 13.00@114.7 spinning the tires like crazy. To cold out, and no hook on the stock tires. We changed the tires on the GN, put the street chip back in and headed home. On the way back we did a roll on from about 20-100 mph. I was driving the GN. I jumped him about a car down low, but it was all over after that. The Z06 walked away pretty good after that. They do very good from a roll. Granted the GN wasn't running the race chip anymore, which would've made alot of difference, its just the z06 was in its element going from a roll.
Just FYI..

A 01/02 C5 LS1 Vette is *capable* of high 12's @ ~112 mph in 100% bone stock trim. That doesn't mean they all run it, but they are capable of it.

A Z06 is capable of very low 12's @ ~116 mph. There is one documented 02 Z06 that has gone 11.9 in 100% stock showroom trim - with the factory tires.

Please understand that I'm not a fan of Vettes...I'm just passing along some info. :)
I agree with Bob. I've seen (not just read about) 100% stock C5's - with good drivers - run 12.80's on hot, humid days. These weren't ZO6's, just plain old C5's. :eek:

Not too shabby in my book.
Yeah I would expect my friends Z06 to go much quicker under better track conditions, could only go part throttle in 1st gear, and feather it in 2nd. The last run that I made in it, it spun the tires pretty good going into 3rd. The best 60ft was a 2.3. Most of the guys running really good times with a Z06 are running in the 1.7-1.8 range. Fun car though.

Thought I might pipe in here...

I have both.
A GN and a 2002 Z06. Both are neat cars. The GN is in the final process of getting put back together. It has lots of mods, and should be fairly quick. (Ported GN1s, CAS V2 and Rad., BGC intake, THDP, 72# inj & thumbwheel, Precision 4000 Stall, TA63e,etc....) I expect the car to run fairly hard for those level of mods.

As I said, I also have a 2002 Z06. The car is bone stock.... As in no mods of any sort, yet... On the stock radials I have a best 60' of 1.85 and a best ET of 11.933 @114.52. On my ET Streets I have cut a 1.69 60'... The car makes 358RWHP corrected and on the day I dyno'd about 374 actual. The good H/C packages (MTI, HoS, and Cartek are making about 440-450 RWHP). Cartek has several cars running 11.1s with their H/C package Stage 2-X (~$7000 installed). HoS is running a special on the same package right now of $3495 installed for their package.

So, no not all Vettes are slow. And not all of them are driven around by fat old men with gold chains around their necks and no driving ability.

But, back to the point of this post. Props to you on your kill... :)
I own a GN and a 2000 corvette . Watch the video of my car in bad track conditions <85 degrees-85% humidity-29.80 bar and density altitude of 2000 feet.>

Car is a Cartek heads/cam setup. Makes 550 HP and 480 lb/ft of tq.

In this video it hooked 1.66 in the 60 ft....and then got warned for no roll bar. With 60 ft times in the usual 1.5 is capable of 11.20's in the heat. Cooler fall air will bring 10 second passes. All cars that ran that day were 4 tenths and 5 mph off their usual times.
nice running vette!

what other mods does the car have?

rear suspension
just heads and cam, no bore and stroke?
any nos?
what gears are in the rear of it-

Clutch is a Cartek custom clutch.

Rear suspension and front is all stock.

Just heads and cam with stock bottom end <factory cubic inch 346>

I do have a NOS setup but wasnt used for that pass. ALL MOTOR

Rear gears are 4.10's with stock 6-speed.
My '99 ran 13.40 @ 106.6 "stock" with no traction on a 85+ degree day. The tires was BALD and my 60 was crappy due to babying it off the line but still it pulles 106.6 MPH with auto tranny and 273 gear on bald tires.

They are bad stock with the right driver. I'm a experienced drag racer and every other stock or modded C-5 i've wittnessed in this area wasn't put to it's full patinchal due to the driver. Break-in has a lot to do with it to. I broke mine in the right way. HARD!!!:cool: 98% of C-5 or Vette owners for that matter aren't drag-racer/ gear heads like me.